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  1. erik mx45

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    their was not enough room on the top of pump to top of hull so the arm hits the hull also the cable was so kinked to get it hooked up i had to return <got a thrust !i realy liked the rrp but just would not work! but their mite be more room in the 50 cal pump area not sure!
  2. erik mx45

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    i think you will spin that prop like a top with that bigger motor you are using! i had a 701 ported in my predator and ended up spinning a 9/17 we ended up with a 12/18 need to remember your ski is shorter than most! like to see how it works though!
  3. erik mx45

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    watch out with that rrp setup it would not fit in my predator ! like to see if it fits in a 50 cal!
  4. erik mx45

    Surfriding FootRocket Rewind/Rebuild

    looks nice !
  5. erik mx45

    et 1107 krash

    dasa 48s with dasa intake and vforce 3 reeds
  6. erik mx45

    Freestyle Black Friday 2016

    jet tribe and riva
  7. erik mx45

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    50 cal is short boat probably go with a 12/17
  8. erik mx45

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    does prop rub when it is out of ski?
  9. erik mx45

    Other Rickter MX1

    new you would !
  10. erik mx45

    'Negative' in hull descriprions

    most hull manufactures sell just one length but their are a few like thrust that sells the same hull in diff lengths for diff ride applications!
  11. erik mx45

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    the hull inserts for the pump are 1.25 i dont get that !not the same as rest of bolts that size ! well thats how it is on my predator
  12. erik mx45

    Drive Coupler Install

    use anti seize and thread it on no tools needed
  13. erik mx45

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    you will not regret this ski at all it is a awsome ski as is my predator ,i am most likely getting a flatwater version or surf setup all depends on if i keep my predator or not! have fun with the build its realy not that big of a deal realy just all part of owning a AM SKI!
  14. erik mx45

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    yes i had to shim just one side on the front i am using a solas setup on my predator
  15. erik mx45

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    ocd bildge switch,hydro turf for under the tank and water box to keep from rubbing
  16. erik mx45

    Lost At Sea

    very sorry for your loss and glad you made it !the ocean is one crazy place to be! i use a lanyard and also have one of the freerideZ starter levers ,i use it all the time when i fall and lanyard come off i dont ever try to installe the lanyard in the surf until i am up and going ! that...
  17. erik mx45

    Engine problem XS 865

    well you said it was making a noise ?
  18. erik mx45

    Engine builders and poor communication!

    most of them are not good communicators ,! just wait till they get your money it will be like who is this!haha
  19. erik mx45

    Engine problem XS 865

    could be crank bearing going bad it would throw off timing
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