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  1. erik mx45

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    you are getting to confused simplify things jump the starter with a positive wire direct and bypass you solinoid if still wont turn over its either starter or ground ! or your bendix is locked in place !
  2. erik mx45

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    bad ground on the starter i would look their first or a loose ground some were else
  3. erik mx45

    701 Footrocket build

    ok the reeds are fine they dont seam cracked or fraiyed your timing is off need to find mark on the case to line up with the stator! i dont think its a fuel problem most of the time it will back fire just once not like that!
  4. erik mx45

    701 Footrocket build

    those footholds are not bad just need to pad them good
  5. erik mx45

    701 Footrocket build

    check your flywheel key! spark plug caps etc timing got off possible! or could be bad cdi check the easy stuff first like wire connections etc
  6. erik mx45

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    dont ever leave ski in the water while not using it it will sink with that crappy scupper, fast element scupper with a skrew on cap is the bomb i installed that on my predator because it always took on water i was sick of it ! plus a bilge also!
  7. erik mx45

    Removing sleeve RRP mani to run pfp

    i really dont see how removing the sleeve will help if the carbon pipe is the same size as the ring i do believe! i have herd of some porting done to the mani and carbon pipe though
  8. erik mx45

    650 to a 701

    yes on tuning
  9. erik mx45

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    they are 1/4 npt oh by the way a buddy of mine just got 50cal few months back he had to redo his motor mount left side plate to get them in line also
  10. erik mx45

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    ream out the hole
  11. erik mx45

    Quick restrictor question

    dont check water temp check pipe temp !ride the ski stop pull hood quickly than check pipe mani temp and motor temp i used a rc temp gun , water will not give you a true reading to what motor temp is !
  12. erik mx45

    Freestyle Freestyle steering nozzle?

    @speedysprocket think he did his
  13. erik mx45

    New 3/5 Gallon Tanks for TNT, RRP, PFP & B-pipe

    pretty work their bro!
  14. erik mx45

    New member intro

    welcome !get ready for the madness
  15. erik mx45

    Krash graphics

    you aint getting them off! and saving them!
  16. erik mx45


    its all how much you enjoying your life is worth ! i would rather be happy with a bill than sit around but that is just me life is way to short !
  17. erik mx45


    yep thats what i did!also
  18. erik mx45

    What's your view look like today?

    hey duke!
  19. erik mx45


    i used a no interest card than payed it off with some good jobs i had
  20. erik mx45

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    looking good
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