you are getting to confused simplify things jump the starter with a positive wire direct and bypass you solinoid if still wont turn over its either starter or ground ! or your bendix is locked in place !
ok the reeds are fine they dont seam cracked or fraiyed
your timing is off need to find mark on the case to line up with the stator!
i dont think its a fuel problem most of the time it will back fire just once not like that!
dont ever leave ski in the water while not using it it will sink with that crappy scupper, fast element scupper with a skrew on cap is the bomb i installed that on my predator because it always took on water i was sick of it ! plus a bilge also!
i really dont see how removing the sleeve will help if the carbon pipe is the same size as the ring i do believe! i have herd of some porting done to the mani and carbon pipe though
dont check water temp check pipe temp !ride the ski stop pull hood quickly than check pipe mani temp and motor temp i used a rc temp gun ,
water will not give you a true reading to what motor temp is !
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