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  1. snowxr

    Super Jet Can you gut a waveblaster 2 to revive a rn sj?

    The motor and electrical will trasfer, and that's about it. You'll still need the correct pump, gas tank, steering, midshaft, exhaust, waterbox, etc.
  2. snowxr

    300/440/550 Michigan, title or registration only for stand up???

    Michigan requires that you have the title, or the owner on record must be present with you to transfer ownership for pwc already registered in MI. The requirements vary for pwc coming from other states.
  3. snowxr

    Other Helmet painting: How to remove shell???

    YES!!!! Disassemble that helmet before painting. Each helmet model is different, so take it easy, and fiddle with it a bit. The cheekpads will likely come out first, then the main EPS core.
  4. snowxr

    B1 aluminum pump shoe! Perfect fit!

    Oops, I meant 940 FS it's available online or at marine stores. No need for silicone on a pump shoe, just apply the adhesive to all mating surfaces.
  5. snowxr

    B1 aluminum pump shoe! Perfect fit!

    5200 is not the best glue for this application. Use Bostik 920FS or epoxy resin with structural filler. Otherwise, you've got the right idea.
  6. snowxr

    Other my foothold popped out!

    It looks like they were not installed properly. They should have been held in by rivets or screws, and glassed over along the edges. It'd be best to take it out and check for wet foam before going any farther.
  7. snowxr

    B1 aluminum pump shoe! Perfect fit!

    John, your pump shoe shipped out today. Once you tear out the plastic one, installing the new part is easy. Just do a test fit without glue for alignment, and proceed once you have it lined up. Once it's bonded in, you can match the ring dia. to your wear ring for a perfect fit. It usually...
  8. snowxr

    Other Soldering Iron or Gun???

    I really liked my Unger Soldering station. Lasted a good 15 years before it wore out.
  9. snowxr

    Wave Rave 2011!

    I hate camping, and even I am thinking about going to this ride again. It's a great beach and very relaxing place to hang out. Plan as if you're going camping in the woods, and arrange a boat launch strategy with your buddies. The launch is a 5min drive away, so a valet is advised.
  10. snowxr

    Other Wtf is sea-doo thinking?

    Yes, all the jet ski/boat/car manufacturers build their vehicle to wear out over time. I work under contract as a test driver for an auto company, and we test up to the warranty mileage. Beyond that, they don't care if parts wear out. That's how they keep the business running, and customers...
  11. snowxr

    Other Wtf is sea-doo thinking?

    Old news, where were you 18 month ago?
  12. snowxr

    B1 aluminum pump shoe! Perfect fit!

    Fixed it for you. I know it's just a typo, and your part arrived very quickly. Back to the top since we're here.
  13. snowxr

    Blaster prop questions for my blaster

    For racing you're better off with a 14/19. I have a mint Skat here. If you want it pm me.
  14. snowxr

    Other TRAVELING: Florida to Michigan

    Bringing your ski? (and some lenses for me?)
  15. snowxr

    Freestyle need help with x-metal trim kit ,only getting 18 deg. throw

    First, are you using the supplied lever? Second, is the trim ring hitting the reduction nozzle anywhere? Did you grind the pivot point bosses on the reduction nozzle to make the trim ring move freely? Any cable play?
  16. snowxr

    Other gp1200r blown rear cylinder

    I know it's a pain to pull this ski apart, but they waste the reeds if they backfire. Take a look.
  17. snowxr

    Super Jet the canadian hood mod

    It'll buff out.
  18. snowxr

    Super Jet the canadian hood mod

    Now you need cupholders.
  19. snowxr

    Other Blaster on ski carrier??

    FINE?! Are you serious? What's your hitch tongue weight rated at??? Class III is 500Lbs MAX tongue weight (roughly 8" from reciever opening), so add up the B1, hitch carrier, fuel, battery, THEN factor in that it's all much farther beyond the point it should be in relation to the hitch. I'm...
  20. snowxr

    Other SuperJet and Blaster Electronics - The Same? Or Different?

    Wire lengths would be the only differance from a 61x blaster to a 61x SJ. Same for the 62t models. All functions of each component are equal.
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