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  1. snowxr

    is this perfect???

    Double barrel, all the way.....(weep) What does it mean?
  2. snowxr

    Highroller stunt vs Rn SJ

    When looking at buying a stunt/fail hull, bear in mind that they are all going to be different. The engine placement, engine alignment, pump alignment, pole placement, etc. are all different. Chad took his time, and seems to have built himself a boat that works very well. On the other end of the...
  3. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Pjs hull???

    It's been tried with zero success. They were built to race in the 550 class. Depending on which year/version they had varying build quality and durability. For their day they really were ahead of their time. It'd make a really fun rec ski to play on, just not a barrel roll/ backflip ski. Drop...
  4. snowxr

    Freestyle Ride Mag Thick with Stand-up & freeride

    That sounds great. I just hope they send it to me. I subscribed 6 weeks ago (included with IJSBA mmbership).
  5. snowxr

    X-Games 2010!

    Sex change? I thought I saw a switch stance rail grind, but he got a nip/tuck, too? Wow, that's saving the sport!
  6. snowxr

    Other IJSBA racing on television today.

    I'm watching the National tour Syracuse NY race on Beach Sports Network.
  7. snowxr

    2010 FreestyleFest

    I haven't been to any other rides where it was such a problem. I think that most rides being at a park/ public beach/ etc. makes it less acceptable. FSF (Hothole/Sunday only) has a rather remote location, and some people think they can do whatever they like - regardless of the danger they pose...
  8. snowxr

    2010 FreestyleFest

    At RocknRide I also heard someone say it would happen. But that person also said they were going to be drinking and riding. Doesn't sound like I'll be going.
  9. snowxr

    Super Jet Finger getting shocked when riding ski

    Which finger?
  10. snowxr

    Freestyle Ski Clinic Footholds

    They sure look a lot like WDK Rev's.
  11. snowxr

    replacement ring gears

    Unless you're having it custom made, you're not going to buy a new ring gear. Having one made would be more expensive than a good condition used flywheel.
  12. snowxr

    X-Games 2010!

    Watching bmx big air with my son (3yrs old) who just turned to me and said "Daddy, I wanna do that on my bike!"
  13. snowxr

    X-Games 2010!

    Some of the stuff at X is pretty cool, but so far I'm dissapointed in much of what ESPN has televised. Skateboard big air thursday night was a dissapointment (just like it was last year). Mostly we saw bail after bail after bail. Boring IMO. Then friday night's skateboard best trick. Give...
  14. snowxr

    High roller front foothold install

    Here's where I installed mine. It was really easy, like it was made to fit!
  15. snowxr

    Sophie's Choice

    Take them both away.
  16. snowxr

    What happened to Tom21?

    I heard he sanded his fingers down to nubs working on everyones orders. I don't even want to speculate as to what he types his last post with.
  17. snowxr

    aftermarket start stop switch?

    I have a polaris start/stop with a bilge button on my ski. Sure, it's from a couch, but it works every time.
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