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  1. snowxr

    Other Calling out Jeff @ Waterdawg Kustomz

    Or, you can choose what's in the box, coming down the isle..... Someone could make a killing if they splashed WDK parts. Well, if they actually shipped them on time. And if they spelled their name "Waterdog Customs" that would just be funny and ironic.
  2. snowxr

    Super Jet "It's Alive, It's Alive"

    lol, well at least you can admit it. My excuse is that I'm not very flexible....
  3. snowxr

    Super Jet "It's Alive, It's Alive"

    Oh, well heck ya it counts! Bonus points if you talked directly to the microphone (for being extra flexible)
  4. snowxr

    Super Jet "It's Alive, It's Alive"

    That depends...Which jammies were you wearing? Freddie Mercury or Michael Landon.
  5. snowxr

    Octane Octane motor

    No other polaris uses the exact same engine.
  6. snowxr

    Super Jet Coupler

    Did you use the Factory Pipe elbow or cut your stock hose? The stinger on a mod chamber is smaller than the stock hose. The FP elbow is tapered to fit properly.
  7. snowxr

    Super Jet "It's Alive, It's Alive"

    Yeah, but who's ski will stop running first....
  8. snowxr

    Guys, I Need Help! Barrell Crashes!!!

    Gil, maybe your thong is on backwards. Or it could be a weight distribution problem. Where is your freestyle sponge mounted? C'mon, save the sport already! (Or we'll change your name to GilGoneSplat )
  9. snowxr

    Other How do I get papers for a jetski with no papers!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Whoa there, not quite... A stolen vehicle that was insured and paid off by the insurance co. is no longer owned by the person it was stolen from. In that case the insurance agency can make a deal with the purchaser if they like. They don't have to let them keep it. If they aggree on a price...
  10. snowxr

    2010 IJSBA National Champion...

    I wish IJSBA would post the current results on their website (instead of last years results).
  11. snowxr

    Other Anybody clean the inside of the exhaust?

    Light it on fire!
  12. snowxr

    Other Anybody seen one of these before?

    Looks like it started life as a laserjet, but someone put a Brute 428 motor from an early wetjet in it.
  13. snowxr

    Crappy shipping packing

    I have a paper shredder, and pack anything that's even remotely loose in my recycled junk mail. It's free, and I get a ton.
  14. snowxr

    Where is the camera, what is it filming, where is it going?

    Where do you want it to go? Still chill'n here in MI
  15. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid What makes the REV hull different than a superjet?

    Rev hulls are a little wider, and ride higher out of the water than a SJ.
  16. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Copying an idea/mod from someone else's ski...

    So, what's the mod you want to do?
  17. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Saw this the other day thought i should share

    No, but there was a double rainbow. All the way, I might add. I know a few board members cried.
  18. snowxr

    Freestyle Kawasaki Jetski Shoes

    Anyone remember the shoes Kaw offered before those? Red/white/blue + hideous!
  19. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Saw this the other day thought i should share

    The infamous WDK dry pipe? I just fell down dead.
  20. snowxr

    2010 FreestyleFest

    That's exactly why the event is losing supporters. People ARE worried about themselves. Worried about their safety...
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