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  1. snowxr

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro Variable exit nozzle?

    Trick. I'd hang that sucker from a gold chain around my neck fo sho!
  2. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid A different type of brap (video)

    And a paint job.....John Deere Green.
  3. snowxr

    Super Jet New cast crank cases & barrels?

    I was wondering where the PMC tooling went to after they sold out 5-7 years ago. They offered a number of seadoo engine parts, too.
  4. snowxr

    Super Jet quick disconnect battery

    I've been using these for 3 seasons without any problems. Mine fit together very tight, and they're tough to pull apart.
  5. snowxr

    Surfriding Big helmet manufacturer?

    Vega Helmet Co. makes motorcycle helmets as big as 5x.
  6. snowxr

    Freestyle Looking for tray replacement suggestions.

    Hmm, I do have a Carbon/ Kevlar RN tray sitting around.
  7. snowxr

    Man-made wave Perfect

    Screw the donkey (not like THAT, you Tijuana lovin' freaks) and the surfboard. Just make the thing big enough for a few jet skis.
  8. snowxr

    Other Computer Aided Handlpole Design

    I like that you're trying a high tech approach, but please look at the Goose pole fiasco before you decide not to have a spring, pivot stop, and clean cable routing.
  9. snowxr

    B1 aluminum pump shoe! Perfect fit!

    Still selling the B1 shoes through
  10. snowxr

    Other Home Oven powder coating???

    I have the harbor freight kit, and it works well. Worth the money. Caswell plating has a good selection of powder paints to choose from.
  11. snowxr

    Freestyle Shredder pumps

    Nice to see more attention being paid to jet pumps. I was wondering if XR-tech was the only one working on a new design, but I see we're not.
  12. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Surfjetlouie memorial build

    A lot of parts "fell through the cracks". I supplied the SN donor hull because your hull never arrived. I was even willing to drive 8hrs to pick the hull up from your friend's relative, but it never got there, either. Once I told you I'd used my hull you said you'd send the footholds, and they...
  13. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Surfjetlouie memorial build

    Hey guys, just saw this come to the top. The build is still in progress, and stalled due to lack of support. Lots of promised parts never showed, and I'm going to complete it on my own schedule and dime (both permitting). So far the top deck is on the donor SN bottom (which I ended up...
  14. snowxr

    Super Jet Check out this Double Impeller

    Cool, I'll take a 9-17/13-19 please. Next they'll come up with a custom driveshaft to mount a prop behind the stator in the reduction nozzle.
  15. snowxr

    Blaster Lightweight Blaster Mod of a Freestyle MX Bike

    Yamaha used to sell a B1 steering kit with built in suspension. The way the B1 seat base it attached to the deck, it leaves a lot of options to build something different without chopping the basic ski to bits.
  16. snowxr

    Jet skier shot in the back

    I haven't followed the story too closely, but I had only seen one witness that only spoke of seeing a boat following a jet ski. When I saw the wife's TV interviews, I became suspicious that she's not being truthful. I reminded me of Susan Smith. Remember the woman that strapped her kids in the...
  17. snowxr

    Freestyle havasu freestyle finals - coverage

    I think they could use a little more challenge and excitement in the couch classes. How about a mixed 2-up class? And Suzi can be my "co-driver" (no, I'm not going to let you drive no matter how many times you ask) Entertaining - yes. Competitive - unlikely.
  18. snowxr

    Freestyle havasu freestyle finals - coverage

    Suzi, just hire a singing man-o-gram for your birthday. You'll be fine.
  19. snowxr

    Other my motor has no reeds?

    If your internal filter in the carb is getting clogged, you may want to add an inline filter from the tank. Also, the aftermarket intake is likely BCW.
  20. snowxr

    Other Polaris couch question?

    780 fugi motors are very different compared to a 1050 Liberty motor. It's not likely to be a simple swap.
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