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  1. snowxr

    Dasa 5 mm

    Correct sir! (in semi drunk Ed McMann voice) I'm a member on Ozfreeride, and there does seem to be a lot of childish bitchin' and moaning down there (especially considdering their low member count)
  2. snowxr

    Hooker 10/16 with a 650?

    That's fairly similar result to my spare SN. 180psi, otherwise a stock 650. I put the pump from my RN in it with a 9/17 and stubby cone. It worked well. But it's going up for sale, so the 14/18 and stock cone are going back in.
  3. snowxr

    The B1 cure....

    Seat = Couch. Sorry, it's just the way it is. You do get a bonus point for not having room for passengers (like an X2)
  4. snowxr

    CP Watercraft

    Not the same building, but on the other side of the street. There's some bad juju on that block for sure.
  5. snowxr

    2010 rock n ride pics

    :banghead: Why WHY WHY did I bail at 12:30 because the weather looked bad. I should have just stayed......I'm lame.
  6. snowxr

    To those that made it fit - 750sx plate on 800sxr

    Have you even looked at the bolt spacing of the plates? It's pretty simple. Slot the holes to meet the newer bolt pattern. Same goes for using a SXR/SXIpro plate on a 92-96 SX/SXI.
  7. snowxr

    Rock N Ride 2010

    Fox 8 in Cleveland showed a little footage of Rock'n'Ride on the 7 o'clock news.
  8. snowxr

    To those that made it fit - 750sx plate on 800sxr

    I've used 92-96 750 ride plates on newer kaw stand-ups. What do you want to know?
  9. snowxr

    Rock N Ride 2010

    Yeah right. A few hearty souls might ride, but I remember last years ride. Sunday it started to rain, and everyone made a run for the launch.
  10. snowxr

    Rock N Ride 2010

    So, what's the plan if it pours on Sat? Pub crawl?
  11. snowxr

    Scoop grate SN SJ

    I'll probably have some new grates with me to sell, along with items for the raffle from Kurt
  12. snowxr

    B1 aluminum pump shoe! Perfect fit!

    Back to the top. We have a few B1 shoes left in stock at
  13. snowxr

    Rock N Ride 2010

    What's your price range? BTW, I'm bringing a 650 SN for a spare that will be for sale, too. $1500
  14. snowxr

    Straight Bar Opinions

    I used to hate 0 degree bars, partly for the way they swung to the sides and kinked my wrist on a normal length turn plate . I started using straight bars and a very short turn plate on my Kaw and now RN(from, and LOVE them.
  15. snowxr


    Type 4 pipes have 1 water port for water injection (electronic), and 3 openings on the chamber for cooling the outer jacket. Setting it up without the water injection system will be a guessing game. The couplers run $20-40 each depending on where you shop. Running too little water into the pipe...
  16. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Aluminum painting questions

    And use paint with hardener. Most spray can paints won't hold up well.
  17. snowxr

    power factor pipe question?

    I aggree on that, but I seem to remember seeing photos of it very early on just before PF became well known.
  18. snowxr


    Type 4 pipes make nice power, but without the water injection you'll need to make it a wet pipe to keep it reliable. Make sure to have all three mounts, or you will run into issues down the road.
  19. snowxr


    B dry pipe?? I think you have your names mixed up. A B-pipe is a wet pipe. Type 4, 8, and 9 are dry pipes. The B-pipe is possibly the best all around pipe for rec, freeride, and freestyle. The dry pipes mostly designed for racing.
  20. snowxr

    power factor pipe question?

    If I remember correctly the type 8 was used to develop the PF concept, insead of the octane pipe.
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