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  1. snowxr

    Bin Laden Spotted on a Super Jet?

    That's a good start for a Daytona beard.
  2. snowxr

    top and bottom deck apart ?!?!

    Ok, now what are you going to do?
  3. snowxr

    Where can I get some yamabond?

    I prefer 1211, too. 1198 is too tacky and messy IMO.
  4. snowxr

    Is there RRP Warranty?

    Just call and ask. Have your original reciept ready. They might just help you out, if you make a little effort.
  5. snowxr

    Where can I get some yamabond?

    Or get threebond 1211 or 1198.
  6. snowxr

    top and bottom deck apart ?!?!

    Cool! I don't see any benefit, but this is mad scientist style. I love it!
  7. snowxr

    Any experiance with "flat" hydroturf?

    Just ask, and they can cut the turf before it ships. You may have to wait a week or more to have them do it, though.
  8. snowxr

    top and bottom deck apart ?!?!

    I know of one RN that came apart with little damage. I have never seen a SN come apart without complete destruction of the top. With the amount of heat needed, and the area needing to be heated, I just can't see it happening without an army of heat gun equipped helpers working in unison.
  9. snowxr

    Northern Indiana lake michigan memorial ride

    Just one guy from Cleveland doesn't quite constitute "bringing it", lol. But it's a good start. Better leave early and put the hammer down, so you get there before lunch. j/k get on it, and let it rip. That area seems to get a bit of small surf.
  10. snowxr

    Any reason why I should not do this?

    Yeah, running out of gas more than 30ft from my gas can would really suck. Running out of gas 150 yards from shore in the surf would be a nightmare.
  11. snowxr

    ncbrock's Gulf Tribute stunt hull kit assembly

    It's all chop? serious?? OMG! Next you're gonna tell me it's all polyester resin, too. :no:
  12. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Sneak peek

    They are, and SO much more!
  13. snowxr

    Gave a guy a heart attack today.

    You didn't hold a gun to his head, and make him eat all those big macs. He did it to himself.
  14. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Sneak peek

    Der....I'll take cold fusion gas caps for $100, Alex.
  15. snowxr

    Where can I get some yamabond?

    Yamabond 4 was off the market for a little while 2-3yrs ago while it was reformulated to meet newer EPA standards. It's available and works just as well as before.
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