ncbrock's Gulf Tribute stunt hull kit assembly


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
What l want to know is how do all the out of work comedians end up on the X,Boyer!!! Real freakkin funny!!! lol:deadhorse:

Whatever... I thought that was pretty damn funny. Kenny was one of the first ones to take delivery of the complete hull. Curious if he has a hood yet though...


NE Tenn
For real,it was funny what Boyer said....l loved it!

Gee,that would suck if he didn't have a hood has been a few months hasn't it?
Kenny,did you buy a kit or half(a$$)way done Stunt?

i got it built already, and dan delivered it to me! no shipping! i just knew when i got it in the fall i wouldnt touch it all winter and am just now working on it. i cant wait to ride it!

lol,, it didnt come with a hood when it got delivered, but i did get one... ( that was funny)


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Glued in the pump shoe with pliogrip.

Got the motor mounting plates in with a strip 18 oz biax across it. I roughed up the hull and plate and drilled some holes in the plate that were filled with epoxy and cabosil to help lock it in place.

5200 on the inserts and driveshaft tube to seal them off.


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Other Administrator
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South Florida
Waternut helped me out with a resin emergency today. Thanks for the help buddy!

All the 1708 under the plates took a lot of resin! This is a pic of the beginning of the process. This ended up taking a lot of biax.

Tomorrow it's cooling, steering, and trim tubes and a lot of dremeling to clean up around the motor plates. I also plan to install the footholds.

I am so sick of working on skis! Tons of people on the lake today and I haven't even dewinterized my boat yet. Pabloescobar called me about a mountain bike ride and I couldn't do that either. I can't wait until this is finished.


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NE Tenn
Glued in the pump shoe with pliogrip.

Got the motor mounting plates in with a strip 18 oz biax across it. I roughed up the hull and plate and drilled some holes in the plate that were filled with epoxy and cabosil to help lock it in place.

5200 on the inserts and driveshaft tube to seal them off.

Your rollin.Everything looks great!

l rode Friday evening for about two hours.Water was nice.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Had to get out my grinder to get all the extra fiberglass from around the motor plates. Used the dremel to clean it up after that. Since I was covered in fiberglass already I decided to grind/cut on everything I could. So I cleaned up the engine bay opening on the topdeck and cut out the footholds.


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Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
When installing the footholds I noticed that the rear corners seemed thin and weak. Waternut noticed a hole in the top of the gunwhale yesterday too. I used some fiberglass scraps to reinforce the rear corners and to reinforce/fill the hole. I checked the rest of the hull real good and didn't notice any more thin spots.

Fun with clips to get the biax to conform to the weird angles.

US Composites will have another customer tomorrow.


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sterling va
let me ask you if you push down on the ft of the tray does it flex? i can take a finger and push on it and it flex really bad to the point i dont think it will even hold me.. i was told from dan all the stunts are that way even his.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I'll have to check later but, if in doubt, lay some more fiberglass on it. It will be nothing to do it before putting the halves together, but a huge PITA to do it later. Peace of mind for less than a pound of fiberglass seems like a good deal. I've practically talked myself into it and I'm not sure mine even flexes. The tray is all chop though, so some biax there wouldn't hurt.
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Customizing addict
Macon, GA
I had a feeling that's what he meant but wanted to make sure. In general, each deck SHOULD flex by itself. If it doesn't, it'll weigh a ton. Half an egg shell is incredibly weak but when intact, it's quite strong. Aircraft are the same way... I'm still amazed at how flimsy some of the major structural components are on aircraft. The tray on my stunt was much thicker than the stock trays.


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sterling va
yeah... well everyone that has seen my complete halfass- hull that is already together by dan with gaping holes in the whole thing.. the tray flex's if i put a pinky on it so it deff needs reinforced im scared to even think of standing on it. iw


NE Tenn
I'll have to check later but, if in doubt, lay some more fiberglass on it. It will be nothing to do it before putting the halves together, but a huge PITA to do it later. Peace of mind for less than a pound of fiberglass seems like a good deal. I've practically talked myself into it and I'm not sure mine even flexes. The tray is all chop though, so some biax there wouldn't hurt.

Now that someone spilled the beans on the tray,l laid a piece of 12 oz biaxile on the bottom of the tray and wrapped it up the sides about 2" ! Do it Mcdog.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Cooling lines, trim tube, and steering fitting are all in. Footholds are riveted and sealed with 5200. Now it's time to grind and lay fiberglass on the tray and around the footholds.


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