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  1. snowxr

    Pump Shoe Help - Aluminum Shoe From SNOWXR

    The SJ and B1 shoes have a little different length scoop where the grate mounts. The B1 specific grates are sometimes much longer, like yours. It can be run this way, or you could make use of the larger selection of SJ grates. Grinding yours to match would take some time, but may give you...
  2. snowxr

    Anyone ever made their own handlepole spring ?

    Yes, you can hand wind a spring. There are many sources for shippable lengths of spring stock (including ebay, sometimes), and even some decent online tutorials with tips on how to get a consistant wind. I have a little jig to clamp in my vise. Once you choose the diameter, and wind your spring...
  3. snowxr

    Compression question

    That's right about where it should be. Taking into account that not all guages are the same, as long as you have equal compression on each cylinder (within 10%) your engine is likely fine.
  4. snowxr

    The noob has a question about blaster to sj...........

    Swapping your parts to a SJ will cost you a lot more than you realise. The motor/electrical, and a protion of the jet pump are the only parts that interchange. You'll still need a pole, steering, driveshaft, motor mounts, gas tank, waterbox, and more to complete a SJ. Just buy a SN for...
  5. snowxr

    Now for some billet DYNO Porn

    Brian, Thank you for showing off the dyno. Seeing that you're setting up the timing brings a question to mind. Have you noticed any of your MSD pickup mounting plates having the holes not timed correctly? I've had to move some pickups as far as .100" to make them 180 degrees apart...
  6. snowxr

    Now for some billet DYNO Porn

    The dyno may not give actual HP numbers. The numbers could however be used to compare power output of different engines, and different carb/pipe/porting/compression setups. Peak numbers are not the only thing that matters, either. Torque, rpm, and range of usable power are important, too.
  7. snowxr

    Bubbas World...

    I didn't have to watch the show to tell you it sucked. Even in person he doesn't have a lot of personality. Heck, McGrath wasn't even that colerfull in person, but he had the presence of mind to know that his fans adored him. He came in the dealer I worked for, and signed autographs until his...
  8. snowxr

    got me a yz125

    Nice bike, I love my YZ125 (not that way, the tailpipe is too small). The extra grunt of the 144cc kits are nice, but they put a suprising amount of wear on the crankshaft.
  9. snowxr

    Noob Handlebar Question

    Use 25mm underpadding to pad the rail cap areas. Glue it down, and sand it to shape before turfing over everything.
  10. snowxr

    ncbrock's Gulf Tribute stunt hull kit assembly

    LMFAO! Highroller- Proving that anything worth doing, is worth doing halfway. That's nearly all fiberglass, and not even straight or symetric.
  11. snowxr

    Thank You X-h2o

    What? SBTtoday is changing their name? lol. As long as you keep it going, we'll be here, Jett.
  12. snowxr

    risor bar pads for surf stance

    Did you kill a flip flop to pad your pole?
  13. snowxr

    Thank You X-h2o

    LOL, hard to believe it's only been 4yrs. This makes feel like the dark ages.
  14. snowxr

    video embedding test

    Bango has skills, but he better not come to Detroit.
  15. snowxr

    choice of 2 couches

    The 155hp motor is very reliable, and will cost him less in gas and oil compared to his GPR. It's 5 years newer, too. Not a bad deal, if he doesn't care that it's slower and doesn't handle as nice.
  16. snowxr

    Any experiance with "flat" hydroturf?

    Kid tested, mother approved. Turf is fun for the whole family!
  17. snowxr

    intake grate and sand exiting

    Why would you want to hit the beach at 45mph ???? Sand will get in your pump. Even dragging your ski onto the beach will get a little sand inside. As long as the engine isn't running until you slosh the sand out you'll probably be ok. BUT the occasional rock in the sand will ruin you...
  18. snowxr

    any info on this? TL setup

    Search "brainless total loss" I think there is a long (very long) thread on the subject that may give you some help. A few diagrams, and a lot of bickering, too.
  19. snowxr

    light weight hood

    Who's George? What's a gen 2?
  20. snowxr

    top and bottom deck apart ?!?!

    Matt, better place your WDK order now. So it's ready just in time for eventually.
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