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  1. snowxr

    Craigslist - "Back Dat Ass Up!" $500

    Anyone else see the irony here - no reverse.
  2. snowxr

    Sea Doo HX and HP pumps interchangeable?

    Yes, the 96/97 XP pump is a direct replacement. The props are not the same pitch, though.
  3. snowxr

    FX-1 Replacement Steering plate bushings?

    Your nearest Yamaha dealer can sell you the bushings for about $5 each. If you want to upgrade your steering, UMI, X metal and a few others make nice systems.
  4. snowxr

    Motor Suggestions for SJ?

    You could buy a crank and a 701 top end, and build a frankenstein motor that could run fairly well. But once you're into it that far you could get 61x cases, too.
  5. snowxr

    Octane New Octane Owner

    Don't buy anything untill you take it apart. Your vague description doesn't narrow it down.
  6. snowxr

    Octane octane carbs whats my choices

    PM Thundercat. He sells a complete dual 46 setup for octanes that make great power.
  7. snowxr

    B.o.b or eme q8

    What about product development and tooling? What do you think that cost would be? When you shop for pistons, would you rationalize that they are too expensive? After all, there's only about $1 worth of aluminum in them.
  8. snowxr

    Help with SXR carb linkage.

    What's it look like?
  9. snowxr

    Guys with trim what do you do with your stop start switch?

    My trim lever wraps around the start/stop assembly. No clearance issue. I guess you just picked the wrong lever.
  10. snowxr


    x2 SBT barely gives their dealers a discount.
  11. snowxr

    Carb tuning problems

    And do you have a return line restrictor? It may help keep your fuel pressure up.
  12. snowxr

    Where is the camera, what is it filming, where is it going?

    The camera arrived safely to my house today. Just in time to get some local footage before Rock'n'Ride.
  13. snowxr

    hardline handlepole

    That looks like a std SN spring set. The aftermarket springs are no longer made for SN poles. A kaw 750 spring could be adapted.
  14. snowxr

    hardline handlepole

    I don't remember ever seeing a Hardline handlpole before. Post a pic, and we'll try to help.
  15. snowxr

    Sealing Case halves with.....? What does everyone prefer?

    I use 1211, too. On a new engine I could see not putting sealant on the crank seals, but for a used engine I'd prefer to have some extra insurance that I've sealed up all worn or corroded mating surfaces.
  16. snowxr

    anyone know the paint code # for Kawasaki green

    or call them 1-800-358-1882 Yes, that's from memory.
  17. snowxr

    craigs deal of the day

    Regardless of who built it, the price more than fair. Diggin' Randy's old sticker, too.
  18. snowxr


    Nice quads, but it's too bad they're selling for $1500-2500 in our area (SE MI) Before the 450's hit the market they were $4000 and up.
  19. snowxr

    check this ski out

    The flat decked skis are a lot of fun. No two are like, so it's hard to get a good review on overall handling. Most guys that build them love theirs.
  20. snowxr

    another crack smoker on craigslist

    And everyone missed the fact that the SXIpro model wasn't produced untill 1998. Pro's went 47mph factory stock, and a well built one (like Crossr used to race) will go 52+ fairly easily. 60 on the older 92-96 SXI hulls was very difficult to ride, trust me. 68 would be next to impossible.
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