Your nearest Yamaha dealer can sell you the bushings for about $5 each. If you want to upgrade your steering, UMI, X metal and a few others make nice systems.
You could buy a crank and a 701 top end, and build a frankenstein motor that could run fairly well. But once you're into it that far you could get 61x cases, too.
What about product development and tooling? What do you think that cost would be?
When you shop for pistons, would you rationalize that they are too expensive? After all, there's only about $1 worth of aluminum in them.
I use 1211, too. On a new engine I could see not putting sealant on the crank seals, but for a used engine I'd prefer to have some extra insurance that I've sealed up all worn or corroded mating surfaces.
And everyone missed the fact that the SXIpro model wasn't produced untill 1998. Pro's went 47mph factory stock, and a well built one (like Crossr used to race) will go 52+ fairly easily. 60 on the older 92-96 SXI hulls was very difficult to ride, trust me. 68 would be next to impossible.
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