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  1. crammit442

    VA Beach Race Gas ?

    Let me see what I have tonight. If I don't have it I'll call and see if they can leave it out for me at VP. I'll be driving right by them on the way up, but it'll be 4 or 5 in the morning.
  2. crammit442

    VA Beach Race Gas ?

    Depending on what fuel you run I may be able to bring some with me for you. I can get anything VP sells. I definitely have C-16 and Q-16, and possibly some 110 and C-12 in stock in 5's.
  3. crammit442

    happy birthday d slicker

    Happy Birthday!:party: Sorry I haven't called you back yet. Will see you Friday at Wavedaze. :woot:
  4. crammit442

    SuperJETT's squarenose topdeck conversion - COMPLETE

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! :beerchug:
  5. crammit442

    Gil's Wishfull Thinking!!!!!!!!!!!

    It will soon be a different package. I'm getting a new hull and mine is moving a couple of hours up I-65. Smartass....:rolleyes:
  6. crammit442

    Gil's Wishfull Thinking!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. crammit442

    The new FS-1

    The Original what? How can everything else be an imitation of a boat that hasn't even been released?:thinking:
  8. crammit442

    800cc Billet

    This is from June 24 in the "Thumper" thread. Did you ever finish "crunching the numbers" on it? I'd be interested in seeing the prices for this and the other motor.:scratchchin:
  9. crammit442

    Holy Crap - Read Reviews on my Crapass tires

    I suspect you're gonna need BDD for this one........:wink:
  10. crammit442

    Other Compression VS Octane

    That has happened in the past and may continue to, but because of past issues with this, more discretion been shown in the last couple of years. The problem with the test isn't that it's bogus, it's just pass/fail. A legal amount(trace) of lead allowed. The test used doesn't differentiate...
  11. crammit442

    Other Compression VS Octane

    The safest thing to do is to get your builder to give you what he thinks is a safe Motor Octane recomendation for your setup. Most(not all) race gas motors will live on a Motor octane number of around 100 give or take if used in a freestyle boat. Compression ratio/psi# is only a part of the...
  12. crammit442

    Other Compression VS Octane

    If the fuel test is a simple litmus type test it's easy to fail if you practice on lead. You're correct that the only safe way to be sure is to change all fuel system parts and clean the carbs before testing.
  13. crammit442

    Custom/Hybrid 2008 xft fly x

    That's awesome! I like my XFT a lot. Sergio does good work.:cool:
  14. crammit442

    110 Octane av-gas

    I don't think he's his daddy least not according to Gil.......he told me he's had enough BDD to last him the rest of his life.....:smoker:
  15. crammit442

    Smith Lake Freeride 9-20/9-21

    I was pretty emotionally torn up over his no show........:no:
  16. crammit442

    Smith Lake Freeride 9-20/9-21

    I rode quite a few good running boats there this weekend. Steeldog's boat ran better than I've ever seen it. That thing was rippin'.
  17. crammit442

    Smith Lake Freeride 9-20/9-21

    It was nice to meet you Mike. Good to finally put a face with the name.:veryhappy:
  18. crammit442

    Total Loss and saltwater

    You're just gonna have to go through every single connection and check things again. I use grease in all connections as well as on the pos/neg lugs.
  19. crammit442

    110 Octane av-gas

    FWIW, a motor with compression/timing to need high octane fuel will run better on AVgas than it will with lower comp/timing and pump gas. AVgas will never let the motor make the power it could on a good race fuel. In the old days(and still today) people assumed the only consideration for a...
  20. crammit442

    Who would want one of these billet front cover

    It will WORK with a charging FW, but it would be only for cosmetic purposes. The whole design is to make timing and changing total loss triggers faster and easier.
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