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  1. crammit442

    My new Envy

    What feeds the headpipe???:stups:
  2. crammit442

    GROUP K 845cc SuperJet Freestyle Tech Info

    Not necessarily, but a good ignition can make a big difference on any motor. Not just with strokers.:fing02:
  3. crammit442

    GROUP K 845cc SuperJet Freestyle Tech Info

    Me too. Your boat ran good today. Especially after you put the gas cap on.....:wink:
  4. crammit442

    GROUP K 845cc SuperJet Freestyle Tech Info

    That's true. When you finish adding all the required pieces that aren't included in the price this is gonna be as pricey as a stoker. I don't think it'll be any more reliable either.
  5. crammit442

    We're Here at the Smith Assault

    Had a great time riding and putting some more faces with names.:Banane35:
  6. crammit442

    Group K says no timing bump for pump gas

    I'd agree with him about no additional STATIC advance. I don't think he was suggesting that the enhancer not be used.
  7. crammit442

    painting over gelcoat ??? and is KAWA SXR rwally gelcoat

    I thought the hood was SMC. Either way, handlaid parts will normally have gel and SMC will have paint.:biggthumpup:
  8. crammit442

    mod gas tank shape?

    Almost all OE fual tanks are HDPE and respond well to heat molding. No issues. Rinse it well so you don't blow yourself up and contour the shape with a piece of PVC, baseball bat, etc. It takes a good bit of heat to get it to shape. They're surprisingly think. Heat it until it begins to go...
  9. crammit442

    painting over gelcoat ??? and is KAWA SXR rwally gelcoat

    All of the handlaid parts are gel. All of the SMC is paint. Clean, sand, prep just like any other substrate. Gel can be a bit prone to surface crazing/stress cracks, but not really a paint prep issue.
  10. crammit442

    GROUP K 845cc SuperJet Freestyle Tech Info

    I agree. The occasional stoker/race gas/TL/mag pump passenger the power may seem violent and unusable/light switch. I believe original setup of a stroker package and good maintenance practices can make a stroker last as long as any other high HP motor. My stroker is ending it's third season...
  11. crammit442

    Installing TBM Charging Flywheel on 96 SJ

    More times than not that'll either be a bendix or starter issue rather than the flywheel. If the bendix is getting a little stiff or the starter doesn't spin up quickly enough sometimes it won't throw the gear far enough to engage the FW.
  12. crammit442

    Flatwater Friday!

    I'm not 100% sure I can teach you to spray, but I'll be happy to let you see what comes from the business end of a magnum pump......:beerchug:
  13. crammit442

    Flatwater Friday!

    As long as everyone plays safe and doesn't run into my boat I'm ALWAYS up for a little spray war......hehe:swordfight:
  14. crammit442

    Smith Lake Freeride 9-20/9-21

    What kind of head? ADA? If so, I'll have orings with me.
  15. crammit442

    My new Envy

    I think he's right. I believe I'd fair that Kawi shoe area in so you have smooth flow into the Yami shoe. I'd personally ditch that OE plastic shoe and replace with an aluminum shoe also. It's much easier to do now instead of in the middle of the summer with the motor and everything installed.
  16. crammit442

    Smith Lake Freeride 9-20/9-21

    The "Question" PM?:confused:
  17. crammit442

    ADA Yamaha Cylinder

    Chuckie built the first ADA that Joe had. That's the one Pat is talking about. It was an old style ADA cylinder. After that, Art at Jetworks built him one of the new ADA cylinders. That one really rips!:smoker:
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