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  1. crammit442

    Yam 144mm vs. 140 mag pump

    If you didn't notice a difference, something was not set up correctly. Contrary to urban legend, a 140 mag is only about 5 lbs heavier than an OE pump. Even a stock boat will work better with a mag if the prop/nozzle combo is just right. For the record, I'm not suggesting a mag should be one...
  2. crammit442

    Not Funny and @#$% UP !

    A small amount shouldn't give the 4runner problems, but leaded fuel can give new cars problems. If your wife's car was low on gas when you added it, the engine/cat/sensors would see a pretty straight dose of lead. Also, Goose said he was gonna bring you a different fuel from C-12 and see if...
  3. crammit442

    RRP FS-1 (World Final Preview)

    Looks really good so far. Any information/details on construction techniques/resins? Weights? Footholds look great.
  4. crammit442

    what size die do i need to clean up threads

    Oops.......I didn't see that they included the files also.....:doh:
  5. crammit442

    Blackjack 48mm + jetting

    I did too w/o MSD and it ran very well. I was just thinking that a 48 is a really big carb and might be somewhat unforgiving on a motor that small.
  6. crammit442

    Blackjack 48mm + jetting

    That's a LOT of carb for a 550. It will probably work, but any carb that size may be a bit temperamental on that little motor. Email Art at Jetworks and see what he says.
  7. crammit442

    what size die do i need to clean up threads

    Those may be handy, but a neither has a die big enough to use on a driveshaft. A die the correct size for a shaft will cost more than the entire sets you listed.
  8. crammit442

    WaveJunkies Ransom Note #1

    I think she's trying to say something about a hurricane coming.............:biggrin:
  9. crammit442

    what size die do i need to clean up threads

    You just match the pitch to the correct side of the thread file(it has 8 different metric thread pitches). If you have a pitch gauge it's easier, but you'll see once you have the file in your hand. It'll make sense.:biggthumpup:
  10. crammit442

    what size die do i need to clean up threads

    If you're in a hury and need it before Randy(Watcon) gets back from world finals, McMaster Carr or any Snap On truck has it also.
  11. crammit442

    what size die do i need to clean up threads

    This is probably one of the best tools you can have for things like this.
  12. crammit442

    the best looking ski award

    Thanks! If I could only ride worth a crap we'd be all set. I don't really care though. I enjoy it and that's what it's all about for me.:cool2:
  13. crammit442

    Square 2 XFT Conversion

    I think you're gonna be happy when you finish. I really like my hull. Looking good!:veryhappy:
  14. crammit442

    msd tl digital vs analog

    I agree. I didn't say there is a performance difference between the single/multi channel systems. There might be a slight advantage, but it won't be something you can feel. The difference is that replacement parts are available. Unless you can find NOS or used parts, the single channel and...
  15. crammit442

    msd tl digital vs analog

    All analog MSD TL's are single channel. One trigger and two magnets. The first digital system was single channel. The big difference from analog was the use of dip switches for adjustments insteads of plug in modules. The latest digital system is multi channel and can be used for up to three...
  16. crammit442

    GROUP K 845cc SuperJet Freestyle Tech Info

    I was referring to the fact that over time wiseco pistons(and pro-x to a lesser degree) experience skirt collapse. It tends to be worse on strokers, but it happens on stock stroke motors also. It's not a big deal, but it happens. Forged pistons are more ductile than cast and the skirt...
  17. crammit442

    GROUP K 845cc SuperJet Freestyle Tech Info

    If bad..........I'm sorry.........:doh:
  18. crammit442

    GROUP K 845cc SuperJet Freestyle Tech Info

    That's right. Usually anything 6mm and bigger will use long rods. More often than not they'll be Kawi 750 133mm rods.
  19. crammit442

    Just want to say Thanks!!

    Thanks for all the work to make the ride so nice. I enjoyed it!
  20. crammit442

    the best looking ski award

    I think your ski looks awesome! Could be the XFT thing.......:smile:
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