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  1. crammit442


    BIG HUGE GIANT Matt is a cool cat......if you're ok with sissy's.:laugh2:
  2. crammit442

    rear cylinder is fine, front barely runs

    That's where I'd start since switching plug wires doesn't make a difference. You might change plugs first just for grins. I assume you've made sure all fuel/pulse lines are good.
  3. crammit442

    My new Envy

    How long do think it will take for you to get it on the water? Any way for you to get an accurate weight on the hull with and w/o hood? Hope it all works out good for you!:beerchug:
  4. crammit442

    Cylinder base bolt thread pitch?

    10 x 1.25
  5. crammit442

    Other Am Freestyle Roll Call Nashville Tn

    Just make sure to let me know by Thursday so I can get my weekend squared away. Seriously. If we can't keep yours running, maybe mine'll stay running long enough to compete.:Banane35:
  6. crammit442

    Other Am Freestyle Roll Call Nashville Tn

    Assuming we're able to get your boat running by then.......:lmao:
  7. crammit442


    That will be correct for the Research octane #, but you're not anywhere near that in Motor #. The research number is NOT what you're after. You're looking for Motor octane #. You can figure the Motor number of 93 pump gas at somewhere around 89 or 90. The Motor number for 110 will be...
  8. crammit442

    re-designing the WCF top deck?

    The seadoo will also buff out and look brand new again.:Banane26:
  9. crammit442


    The pipe(any pipe, not just the dry pipe) aids in filling the cylinder with fuel/air. The pipe helps suck air in and then helps further by stuffing any mixture that has escaped through the exhaust ports back in. As a rule, dry pipes do a better job of this than most wet pipes. This can...
  10. crammit442


    Yes. At least a couple of gallons. The dry pipe turns a lot of R's and does a lot of cylinder stuffing.
  11. crammit442

    re-designing the WCF top deck?

    I've been using Hawkeye(Duratec) products for close to ten years with great success. The key is using them for their designed purpose. They're designed for very specific things. Duratec clears are not designed to be UV resistant. They're meant to be cleared with automotive urethane if...
  12. crammit442

    How to lighten a 61x or 62T flywheel?

    I agree. The potential lack of reliability outweighs the very small(placebo) increase in throttle response. The damage that will occur if the FW fails is huge. You'll lose the FW, stator, bendix, possibly the starter, FW cover, and even the cases. That's a lot of cash for something you might...
  13. crammit442

    Other Am Freestyle Roll Call Nashville Tn

    :loser: :veryhappy::veryhappy:
  14. crammit442

    My hooker came in the mail today!

    Yes. Pretty good too.
  15. crammit442

    Msd Enhancers Are Same As Stock ????

    I think you're right about most OE plug wires. I've never personally had a problem with non resistor wire issues, but I've been told it can be tough to diagnose the issue since it's usually intermittent. The trick coil mod would be to fix in place of the wire a permanent terminal so you could...
  16. crammit442

    Msd Enhancers Are Same As Stock ????

    Exactly! You don't even have to be using a digital ignition. ECWI is even more vulnerable since it's only potted. At least the TL brain is largely shielded. MSD super conductor wire is good stuff.:burnout:
  17. crammit442

    89mm BIG Bore 62T cylinder

    I'm not saying that your statement isn't true, but the main reason he's known for this is because he says it. A lot. I wouldn't consider a $1600 big bore cylinder with one bore left very conservative. I have nothing personal against groupK, but I've found some of their ideas on motor stuff to...
  18. crammit442

    Msd Enhancers Are Same As Stock ????

    I knew I read this somewhere before. Here's a link:
  19. crammit442

    Msd Enhancers Are Same As Stock ????

    The issue is that on a normal ignition system(non multiple spark) the plug only fires for a fraction of a second. The fresh intake charge isn't uniformly mixed and in a ready to ignite state. There are pockets of mixture that are lean and some that are rich. If the plug fires in one of these...
  20. crammit442

    Msd Enhancers Are Same As Stock ????

    There are posts here almost every day with people who have malfunctioning OE ignitions. MSD TL is super reliable if you set it up well. Even in the surf. It's also easier to get at and troubleshoot when there is a problem. Parts do ocassionally go bad, but not as often as people think. It's...
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