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  1. crammit442

    www.X-h2o and it's keyboard cowboys !! NEGATIVE !!! all comes full'll probably get locked anytime now.......
  2. crammit442

    New EME exhaust system for superjets!

    If/when I become convinced that it really is something vastly better than what's available I'll buy one also.
  3. crammit442

    waveblaster problem

    Since you just installed a pipe, make sure you don't have an exhaust leak.
  4. crammit442

    Will a Yamaha SuperJet relay work in a Kawi?

    You might just post a wanted ad. I'm sure someone here or at PWCToday has one they'd sell cheap. If you haven't found one by Monday night send me a PM and I'll check to see if I have one. If I do I can ship it Tues from the office.
  5. crammit442

    Will a Yamaha SuperJet relay work in a Kawi?

    Mechanically/electrically it could be made to work. The problem is gonna be in physically fitting it in the boat/elec box. The two posts on the SXi stick through the ebox. It could be rigged up, but it'd be easier to find a real replacement.
  6. crammit442

    Zach Waddle and girlfriend killed

    WOW! That's awful. I hate to hear it.
  7. crammit442

    My hooker came in the mail today!

    For the record, he means 85mm.:stups: Maybe start somewhere around 84mm and work up if needed.
  8. crammit442

    New EME exhaust system for superjets!

    What happened??:confused:
  9. crammit442

    New EME exhaust system for superjets!

    The big difference is that if/when the Malone pipe becomes available, it will ACTUALLY be available. Jeff has been just about to produce the good stuff for years now. So far it hasn't come to pass. Even the guys with his 1200 say the Malone package smokes it. I also think the price of...
  10. crammit442

    Watcon (extremely helpful)

    Randy's the last of the good guys.:fing02:
  11. crammit442

    RE-confirming that refoaming is the worst job - UPDATE post 181's the internet. Why would you even for one second be personally bummed because two people you barely know in person are arguing online. :thinking:
  12. crammit442

    how to calculate the CC

    bore x bore x stroke x .7854 Per cylinder. Right Joe?:wink:
  13. crammit442

    Light weight hull manufacturers

    XFT, Trinity, Lightweight DE, and Compositech will all be within a pound or two of the published weights. My hull was dead on the money. These guys use very specific layup schedules and all products are bagged so resin quantities are very repeatable. There will be minimal variances.
  14. crammit442

    RE-confirming that refoaming is the worst job - UPDATE post 181

    That's 100% true. There are lots of people here that have doing things the wrong way for longer than anyone else. That said, I agreed with Kenneth that the install looked shoddy in the pics posted yesterday. After being referred to the original pics, it's clear there was nothing wrong with...
  15. crammit442

    Wheels at blue marsh

    Cool! Nice rolls. We should take up a collection and get that ski a waterbox.:biggrin: WOW!
  16. crammit442

    SUPER COUCH, this is the biggest couch of all time...

  17. crammit442

    Water fight carnage!

    This is the reason that when we have spray wars the attack is ALWAYS done from parallel to the other boat rather than perpendicular. If you slide or fall off you just slide right past with no chance of a collision. Damn jetskiers......:spank:
  18. crammit442

    Painted Visual Carbon Hull Question

    That will probably work, but there's a chance you'll have issues with the stripper attacking the gelcoat a bit. Most paint strippers don't bother gelcoat much. You will need to apply a good automotive clear(urethane) to prevent the clear gelcoat from yellowing from UV exposure. I'd try a...
  19. crammit442

    Orange Beach Freestyle

    How awesome is that? Drive 6 hours, spend money, compete, and never even learn where you placed......but hey, you did get/have to compete against three "pros".:biggrin:
  20. crammit442

    Orange Beach Freestyle

    You ever figure out where you placed? I heard the award ceremony was "interesting".:reporter:
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