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  1. crammit442

    Gil's 98 almost done

    Only on the internet.........:rolleyes:
  2. crammit442

    squish on flat tops

    In the prime of Moto GP some factory teams used domed pistons, some used flat tops. I personally don't believe flat tops are worth the extra hassle and expense. I also haven't experienced the extra performance they're supposed to provide. I don't have issues w/deto so I don't need their claimed...
  3. crammit442

    happy birthday, chick!

    Happy B'day! Nice meeting you and talking in Daytona. Charles
  4. crammit442

    Blackjack Tuning help

    N/S seems a bit big. I'd run 2.0 or 2.3 w/80 g spring. If opening the screw makes it run better, open the screw. The manual is a good basic starting point, but don't hesitate to use the screws to actually tune. If you find that opening the screw fixes the problem but runs rich farther up the...
  5. crammit442

    Pro Tec Trim pics

    Anybody got any pics of an assembled protec trim system. Either setup for up or down. Thanks! Charles
  6. crammit442

    The Official 66e freestyle/freeride thread

    It's ony for sissies when you start from the boat ramp. Deepwater push starts separate the men from the boys.:icon16:
  7. crammit442

    Piston-cylinder clearance: So uh..yea, anyone see anything wrong here ***Pics***

    The head is cut with slightly different combustion chamber sizes to account for timing change due to possible crank twist. Jetting is usually staggered as well. That should make more sense.:smile:
  8. crammit442

    WDK getting out of the PWC business?

    I think when you read carbon/carbon you know he's kidding. BIG process. Not many people do it. BIG BIG bucks. Do a search for what Formula 1/Moto GP brake discs cost.
  9. crammit442

    The Official 66e freestyle/freeride thread

    Me too. I just push start mine. It's awesome. Friggin' rips!!!!
  10. crammit442

    The Official 66e freestyle/freeride thread

    No you won't.......
  11. crammit442

    The Official 66e freestyle/freeride thread

    The key has NOTHING to do with it. Without the key there would be no reliable reference for ignition timing. RPM has very little to do with it either(unless you can spin the motor fast enough to distort the shape of the female taper-not gonna happen). It all comes down to torque. Many machine...
  12. crammit442

    The Official 66e freestyle/freeride thread

    uh, like I said. The key is ONLY there for FW location/timing. If something keeps the motor from turning during cranking(water) the key is the fusible link(for lack of a better description) and it's shearing allows the FW to slip on the taper. Drill presses, machine tools(morse/jacobs tapers)...
  13. crammit442

    The Official 66e freestyle/freeride thread

    Since the key ONLY locates the FW and the taper is what keeps it from turning, it should have no effect in any way. Assuming the tapers mate well.
  14. crammit442

    daytona destruction

    I think in deeper water you would have ridden away at least one of yours.
  15. crammit442

    Gil's 98 almost done

    Congrats Jesse. I'm a Marine and there is no more honorable thing you could do. It's gonna be tough and it's gonna suck, but you're doing something that few are able or willing to do. Good luck and keep us posted! Semper Fi!:usa2: Charles
  16. crammit442

    Daytona Vid

    It was nice meeting and talking to you this weekend.:wave: Charles
  17. crammit442

    Daytona 2008

    Anytime. You did a great job with the event. It was the most fun I've ever had at a jetski ride.
  18. crammit442

    SJ wiegh ins

    A bit over 100lbs w/o hood. Not bad for a light stocker, but a bit beefy for an aftermarket hull IMO. Looked ok for a hand laid part. I was hoping to ride the complete boat he had there, but I never saw it run for more than a minute or two. Joe(njfl) has ridden it and said he thought it ran...
  19. crammit442

    SJ wiegh ins

    That was interesting seeing all the weigh ins. The weights on the light boats were right in line with my complete XFT. The only real surprise I saw was how heavy the 24/7 hull was.:bigeyes:
  20. crammit442

    any ideas on spring ride southern fried freeride?

    That sounds great!
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