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  1. crammit442

    PLEASE respond!!

    Exactly! That reminds me of people with thousands of dollars in their motors trying to save a couple of dollars by running AV gas instead of race gas.:scratchchin: That's the same compression tester I have and mine works awesome and always tests accurate against known pressure sources. I...
  2. crammit442

    New site look

    First. I'm NOT bitching. I'm not gonna throw a fit because you change colors. My serious question is what was wrong with the way it was? Were people complaining about the old look? I think this is a bit hard on the eyes. Someone was saying it will be good because all the other sites looked...
  3. crammit442

    Enclosed foothold question

    I have 24/7's in my OE hull and always liked them just fine. My XFT hull came with Sergio's holds installed and I can hardly ride anything else now. They are pretty far back, but could be moved forward if you are doing the install. I like tham a lot.:smile: They're also easy to get out of if...
  4. crammit442

    starter relay getting stuck open

    If you're sure it's not the start switch sticking then you need a solenoid. Also, it's stuck closed, not open.:smile:
  5. crammit442

    Quick question for running dual carbs...

    That's the one to get. Jetworks makes it and the zero backlash really helps with sync and throttle plate wear.:wink:
  6. crammit442

    120 horsepower question??????

    Something no one ever mentions when the 800 motor comes up is that the 120 HP# that gets thrown around so much is with the OEM pipe. Also remember that is only claimed HP. FPP came up with lower numbers for the 701 than Yamaha claimed so it stands to reason the same could be true of the 800...
  7. crammit442

    Bar clamps for stand ups??

    There is always a gap.:veryhappy:
  8. crammit442

    how far have you driven to buy a superjet

    Twenty five hours round trip. Several times.......:veryhappy:
  9. crammit442

    Superjet engine question..

  10. crammit442

    aftermarket reeds

    I suppose I should have said they don't think they work well enough to be worth the trouble. Here ya go.
  11. crammit442

    aftermarket reeds

    Might want to take into consideration that Group k also doesn't think strokers work.:thinking:
  12. crammit442

    Adult Section?

    I guess I'm wondering why a jetski website needs an "adult" section???:thinking: I agree with whoever said if it's xxx rated stuff you want to look at you ought to be able to find it w/o bringing it here. The last few days around here seem like maybe this place is on the mend and my personal...
  13. crammit442

    lowered hood

    Like my XFT a lot. It has a lip that hangs inside the hood seal area that keeps the hood from being knocked sideways. Light and strong. Very dry also.:bigok:
  14. crammit442

    Daytona Zone 11/17

    I can live with mid 40's. It's the mid 6 hour drive that I'm scared of.:Eyecrazy:
  15. crammit442

    Crank markings

    Don't know about the rod marking but 73 would be a 5mm stroker.
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