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  1. botizzle

    LKN '07 Vids

    That one handed stab look awesome! you put on a good show. I wish I rode with you guys on Sunday, but Im chicken S**T :frown:
  2. botizzle

    Lake Norman tour stop pics

    Good job this weekend Corey :arms: That backy attempt looked a little painfull...How'd the CS boys do on the double up??
  3. botizzle

    My barrel roll

    very nice your timing looks perfect:hail:
  4. botizzle

    Idiocy in the surf

    I remember Gump's first roll back in Jan....His eyes were so friggin big when he landed it :bigeyes: ..... it was funny. Looking good Bro!
  5. botizzle

    Myrtlye Beach Next Weekend... whos going?

    Im thinking about going, but dont know if I will bring a ski..... my g-ma lives in ocean isle, so I gotta free place to stay
  6. botizzle

    Happy Early REV-day To Me

    Congrats Brian and Toby! Those boats are gonna be awsome fo sho. I cant wait to see them in person.
  7. botizzle

    My Waterdawg Diablo hood is coming apart

    My WD hood is on its 3rd season of hard abuse, The liner had separated about first 3 weekends of riding. I just repaired it my self with a fiberglass wet lay. I still have to repair it about every 6 months or so. I just consider it jet ski maintenance
  8. botizzle

    Stunt Junkies

    This friggin rocks! Way to go!
  9. botizzle

    HELP Still Major Fuel issues.

    Do you have another set of carbs that you could bolt on real quick?... just to see if the problem is the carbs or in the way you have the fuel/vent routed? That would at least determine where the problem is. just a thought
  10. botizzle

    msd enhancer

    I just switched to total loss, but I think after you add the head, pipe and prop, it's a must have. However, I noticed they raised the price again to $275 on the riva web site. I'd rather spend another couple hundred on a used T/L than almost $300 for a new enhancer. JMO
  11. botizzle

    xmetal pole thoughts.

    let me have it next time I see you, I'll get it done.
  12. botizzle

    xmetal pole thoughts.

    ditto I like it b/c it is a piece of cake to shorten. In fact I'm looking for another one....anyone? The xmetal is sexy looking though. I would learn to get used to the two bolt deal if I had one.
  13. botizzle


    Ah yes, the old banana in the tail pipe trick.....:Banane01:
  14. botizzle

    Barbara and Jarrod are Gil's new sponsors

    Use the parts out of Gump's ski :biggthumpup:
  15. botizzle

    last ride pics

    :haha: :haha: Dumper jumper... too funny I'm jealous too. I havent ridden since Daytona :frown:
  16. botizzle

    B-Pipe or ProTec

    Someone correct me if I am wrong, But I think if you get a "new" b-pipe, it comes with jets. I've never bought new so I am not sure.
  17. botizzle

    my flat top went to shiat and ...

    That sux bro! Mine is in pieces too. But I feel pretty lucky after seeing your carnage.
  18. botizzle

    DREMEL,best tool ever

    oh snap! I got to get one of those. I have a similar straight shank version of that. I love it.
  19. botizzle

    Stripper pole for JK

    nice! you got skills bro.
  20. botizzle

    The YAMA-GEAK cant roll thread

    werd, I'll have ya rolling in a week. The 704 area code will be where its at! :biggthumpup:
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