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  1. botizzle

    Just A Little Mid March Riding In Huntsville, AL At The River

    Yeah I missed out on OB too, However, I did get to ride Paulie P's race boat Saturday .........WOW!!
  2. botizzle

    Lake Norman Ride-May 17-18

    I am down for this!
  3. botizzle


    Yup, what he said. there is a small pin hole in the jacketed area where the water enters. It's a decent pipe. The pic Tricky1 posted is my pipe, as you can see, I have a spare bracket, if you need it. Actually, Id like to sell the whole
  4. botizzle

    Front Exhaust... Why?

    I am surprised nobody has said this... The problem I have found with my front/rear exhaust is if you take a break and float around for awhile, the water fills up your water box completely and makes it difficult to start your engine. It especially sucks if you have total loss with a battery going...
  5. botizzle

    Cherry Buster 08

    Oh snap! Sjetrider is going for the backy! Good luck man!:Banane09:
  6. botizzle

    Hood straps / Pole Limiting rope supplies

    Pretty good price on the stainless ratchet buckles.... nice find
  7. botizzle

    Ride PWC TV!

    Thats awesome! Good job guys :biggthumpup:
  8. botizzle


    This is my weapon
  9. botizzle

    Huge "standing" waves!

    Ya, I made it...but not without hitting the rumble strips on the shoulder of the road a few times...:cat40: :drive: that'll wake you up! Well worth the drive though :headbang:
  10. botizzle

    Huge "standing" waves!

  11. botizzle

    Anyone ride at Lake Lanier Today?

    yup, I was there all weekend....good to see everyone on Sunday, except the party crashers oh, and thanks again Megan for the tow...:ugh2:
  12. botizzle

    no low top me 8(

    155 psi not very high compression considering the head is shaved...something to look into
  13. botizzle

    Happy Birthday GUMP!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday Fool! :brap:
  14. botizzle

    YAMACAT'S ANKLE......Youch!

    like I said in the other post....Get well soon Barb :purr::purr:
  15. botizzle


    Get well soon Barb :purr: :purr:
  16. botizzle

    Ma-Hunny's Birthday!

    Happy Birthday Ally!! :wavey:
  17. botizzle

    Paul @ LPW - A+++

    I Bought a used b-pipe from Paul last week, I was out of town, he dropped it off at my house to save me the shipping cost, How cool was that ya'll?
  18. botizzle

    umi pole

    UMI poles are the easiest to shorten IMO, Take a zizz wheel to the welds at the bottom and pull the base casting off. Cut off the amount you want to shorten from the pole. Slide the pole back into the base making sure it is straight. weld it back together. Done deal, and it looks "factory" Thats...
  19. botizzle

    New HOODSEAL, The Infamous D-seal w/pics

    I'll try 2
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