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  1. botizzle

    Help with Riva/ Factory Chamber

    Yup, you are right as usual....but it just has a small pin hole aprox .06 dia drilled into the chamber, not a jet. I obviously didnt see it before.... soooo, now the question is, if I drill it out bigger will it help out on bottom end?
  2. botizzle

    Help with Riva/ Factory Chamber

    Ya I know, but where does the water enter the chamber?
  3. botizzle

    Help with Riva/ Factory Chamber

    I am confused...can someone explain why that pipe is considered a wet pipe? I have that same pipe. I can not find any place on the pipe where water enters the chamber besides the stinger. And there are not any adjustment screws like a normal wet pipe... I run water injection on mine, and as far...
  4. botizzle

    Let the slamming begin!

    I love this pic, this was off a small boat wake.....Talk to this guy at Lanier, he'll have you stabbin by the end of the day......Just FYI, He converted to a square nose over the winter, and might be selling the sxr. But dont let that discurage you. keep trying. My sugestion would be , if you...
  5. botizzle

    97 superjet Face lift

    You titled this thread as "Face Lift"...I would have called it "Nose Job" :biggrin: Who makes those replacement nose pieces?
  6. botizzle

    Done With The Turf!!! Pics!

    very nice!! A clean turf job like that gives me a woody :Banane01:
  7. botizzle

    question about givaways

    how about a stroker?!?!?! :stooges: But seriously, I'd run the hell out of whatever..... Free=good
  8. botizzle

    My new ski

    That ski looks too awesome to put stickers on it!!
  9. botizzle

    Pole Design/Recommendations

    The nice thing about a UMI is, if and when it breaks, or if you just want it shorter..1st run it through the bandsaw and cut away the weld,2nd reinsert in the base bracket, 3rd weld it back on. That extruded design makes life easy. I just shortend an AC not long ago what a P.I.T.A!!
  10. botizzle

    Of bilge pumps, squarenoses and stock siphons....

    If I am not mistaken, The dual bilge pump bracket that Blowsion makes has a tab in front for relocating the stock siphon. I thought that was a good idea for a clean install.....but it is also a good idea to clean out your wallet, those thing are like $90 bucks, 5200 sounds more economical.
  11. botizzle

    Brokeback Racing

    Good thing, I didnt make him his tag yet! thats too funny
  12. botizzle

    motor carnage

    :dead1: I hope I never have to post anything in this thread
  13. botizzle

    Attwood Tsunami Bilge Pump

    one thing I noticed with my Rules, I used to run only one 500 and it never airlocked...When I added the second one they both did....interesting
  14. botizzle

    Blaster Barrel Roll Video

    looking good man-keep it up
  15. botizzle

    explain this high compression dome

    I dont know how that thing works but it looks cool
  16. botizzle

    Bulletproof Electrical Box

    I saw that box last time I was at John's.... looks like it'll hold up well. plus you cant go wrong with the bling! John's electrical work is second to none IMO....he has really hooked me up in the past
  17. botizzle

    Freestyle SXR Build!

    I was just about to say that.....
  18. botizzle

    does your ski have a name??

    I sometimes call both my skis "my weapons" :headbang:
  19. botizzle

    Favorite Trick !

    Ditto, I've been destroying my hull from loss of rotation :aargh4:
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