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  1. botizzle

    Southern Fried Freeride! Which site & when?

    I'd rather drive further and be able to make the event, than to miss an event that is closer to home, if that makes vote is for Alabama
  2. botizzle

    Lake Norman, High Rock Lake, Lake Wylie area??

    I'll be hitting LKN a lot, a soon as I drag my skis up here. Cant wait
  3. botizzle

    back injury

    yeah, it helps with the b/rolls :cool2: c'mon you guys were thinking it, I was just the first to say it
  4. botizzle

    back injury

    A lot of pelvic thrusting works for me :Banane01: seriously, a strong core protects your spine
  5. botizzle

    07 lanier.... The Ride!

    Yup count me out too. Sister's wedding...I'm so pissed. Cant even go to my home town ride
  6. botizzle

    It's a GIRL!!!!!

    Way to go BK! congrats!
  7. botizzle

    Wamiltons shipping is outrageous (edited)

    I dont know about the shipping gougings, but I think it is strange that I can order stuff from Blowsion and get my parts in seven days ground from the west coast but Ive been waiting over 10 days now from wammer and he is one state over. No info, no tracking #, no nothing. It's not hard to...
  8. botizzle

    Sj / Kawi weigh in Controversy

    I liked sjetrider's answer better :haha:
  9. botizzle

    Demographics needed - Poll on age of Lanier Ride attendees

    I'll be 34 in April, bringing the girlfriend, 25 (she likes old dudes)
  10. botizzle

    how to get your gas tank white again

    I'd pick the one thats full of premix!!....more than likely the brown one :cool2:
  11. botizzle

    Lanier 5k Race

    it's like 6.3 or something
  12. botizzle

    Lanier 5k Race

    This thread has been fun to read with the smack talk and all...Pretty sure Mrs. Caker will smoke us all.....Anyone care to step it up to 10k?
  13. botizzle

    A little Media Coverage-

    very cool :biggthumpup:
  14. botizzle

    Beach tote with "ZERO" in the name

    Does it come with a ski? :bigeyes: j/k
  15. botizzle

    SN Pole Options?

    Those are some sexy hood hooks :sneaky:
  16. botizzle

    07 lanier.... The Ride!

    :scratchchin: Hmmm.....maybe i'll go to her next wedding? :bigeyes:
  17. botizzle

    07 lanier.... The Ride!

    What is it with weddings in May?? My sister planned her's for the 19th :banghead: Dont these people check the X-h20 freeride schedule before they plan this stuff?!?
  18. botizzle

    Ski Extravaganza Weekend????

    Yeah I know....I had to help you pick up all your tools that fly out the back :slap: So they actually made a student driver sign? lol, We talked about it, but I didnt know they did it.
  19. botizzle

    Any 07 Dates Yet?

    The only thing about changing the location is, we may not have as good of cruiser traffic. Bald ridge is a good spot b/c they come out of the marina steady from morning till the late afternoon, then they start comming back until dark. Another location might make the crusier wakes less...
  20. botizzle

    girdled head kit for stock head??

    Cool, if flacarncycleguy does not want it. I'll let ya know. :biggthumpup:
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