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  1. dbrutherford

    grease on exhaust gaskets

    Permatex made this spray copper coat stuff I used for years until my can run out. It made gaskets stick worse though. Sealed well on the other hand...
  2. dbrutherford

    Machining some parts? Ideas?

    Clear stator cover then! I was going to put my electrics inside of an otter box. Google them, they have some cool stuff.
  3. dbrutherford

    grease on exhaust gaskets

    I have used plain old grease on gaskets before. It does really make them easier to remove.
  4. dbrutherford

    Machining some parts? Ideas?

    I also always wanted some billet bypass fittings (pissers), bilge pump outlets, and bow eyes. But... make a darn place to put a wrench on them! Either make the interior hole a hex or put a hex or heck even two flat spots so you can put a wrench on it. I have ruined plenty of these over the...
  5. dbrutherford

    Machining some parts? Ideas?

    Rich, I have the idea of the year! Billet Rule strainer baskets. I always end up with those stupid fingers breaking off. Make two out of aluminum and I will buy them! or a complete billet Rul would be cool too! The billet start/stops I would also buy even if it mean switching to a...
  6. dbrutherford

    Big-Bore small-pin pistons

    Best bet is to get ahold of Wiseco. John at Jet Ski Haven may have some. I know he needed to use Small pin pistons for his PJS engines.
  7. dbrutherford

    SXR 800 broken rod

    I was gonna say that, lol!
  8. dbrutherford

    My -2" Trinity EVO XF build..Let the fun begin!!!!***WEIGHED***

    I hate you! Seriously though, nice ski, I am jealous!
  9. dbrutherford

    SXR 800 broken rod

    Yeah I did that same thing once. The rod sawed the engine in half taking out the starter and bed plate as well. Funny thing was it still ran on the front cylinder! But lucky for me it was just a kaw 650...
  10. dbrutherford

    Help needed with CATS System

    There was a guy on here that made some stainless adapters. It was a guy in NJ with the name Vitkaly but it wasn't Vitoaly with the dog in his avatar. I believe he has an SXi Pro. Anyway, really anything will work. Try searching for "stand offs" they are like the coupler but with a threaded...
  11. dbrutherford

    Best free photo editing program?

    MS Paint? I couldn't resist. Search YouTube for soem MS Paint tips. Those people drawing the Mona Lisa on there are freaking nuts!
  12. dbrutherford

    Other Finally machined some carb spacers

    Looks good Rich!
  13. dbrutherford

    Home Made Vin's Vs. Swaping Vin's

    Like this?
  14. dbrutherford

    Is there any difference in the pump section of a SN then a RN??

    Yep, that is probably why the Japanese did it to the 800 X2 hull they make. Only downside is... Yamaha parts cost more:stups:
  15. dbrutherford

    Is there any difference in the pump section of a SN then a RN??

    Probably yes.. I would really like that Trinity 800 X2 but... if I am going to pay that much for an aftermarket/light weight hull, I would just get an SXR hull from them and get a conversion hood. Problem is no one is making SXR conversion hoods at the moment. But there is still a fond...
  16. dbrutherford

    Should I buy this 03 SXR for 1,000?

    I thought so too until I looked up the book value. I think 3.5 to 4.5 k is more fair. But If i was local I would have already gotten it. But I just can't justify it to myswlf to pay 3.6k and then add 300 to 450 for shipping. Still a very very good/fair deal for someone.
  17. dbrutherford

    Home Made Vin's Vs. Swaping Vin's

    My inspection guy doesn't even do an inspection on my vehicle :) Kind of sucks when your vehicle really does need an inspection though... Most places here in WV are suppose to scrape off your inspection sticker the moment you pull into the shop. Then if you fail, they put a failed sticker on...
  18. dbrutherford

    Is there any difference in the pump section of a SN then a RN??

    Do it! cut that pump section out and put it into your X2 plug! If I was making my own X2 molds, I would do the same with an SXR pump section. That way you have more intake grate/ride plate selections and no pump gluing in to do. of course doing this with a SN or RN would be just as good...
  19. dbrutherford

    Home Made Vin's Vs. Swaping Vin's

    Yep, he has by far given me the best deals on parts out of every possible parts dealer I have ever bougth from. I can't say the same for the same folks up in Ski naked's neck of the woods. They tried to rip me on a stupid throttle wheel once. I wonder what they do about aftermarket hulls from...
  20. dbrutherford

    When did footholds come out?

    Mag's arent two stage :twak: I know, I want one but all I can afford is a TBM... :17: I did not know that. I suppose you are in the business and would know better than most people.
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