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  1. dbrutherford

    good forum for bikes? street conversion ideas?

    Best bet is to check with your state's DMV. I googled it some recently wanting to make a WR or CRF/X street legal. Easiest way I see it is to swap soem info between that KE and KX... I won't tell anyone :)
  2. dbrutherford

    Looking for 1st dirt bike.

    My 1998 YZ250 had way more bottom end then all the other bikes my friends had. At one time everyone I rode with had each brand of bike. One friend had a CR250 (best brakes), one had a KX250, me on a YZ250, and one on a RM250. Out of all of them I liked my YZ the best but wish I had more top...
  3. dbrutherford

    Pics of old style Japanese lightweight hulls?

    Looking back I just noticed that huge hole in the hull/sub plate. That must be for the air intake hook up. Some of the Japanese steering trims have hoses that hook up to vents on them. Shawn, what is the main reason you want to build a sub plate like this? Strength? Direct steer...
  4. dbrutherford

    Looking for 1st dirt bike.

    I would go for an XR400 over a 250 for sure. But a newer 250F or 450F will have a lot more power. New WR250 is electric start :) How much do you weigh and what's your height? I weighed 175/180 and was 5'10" when I had my YZ250. Only real concern is kick starting for Katie on a taller...
  5. dbrutherford

    Rebuilding a Kawi pump

    Do you have any instant messengers? I have the SXR manual as a PDF I can send you. It is pretty simple to say the least. I woudl get good quality bearings or plan on doing it more often. I have seen stock Kawie bearings last forever practically!
  6. dbrutherford

    Looking for 1st dirt bike.

    For her I would say a 125 two stroke or 250 four stroke. Lots of people will say get a XR200/230/250 but I say if she can ride an SJ, she can ride a real bike! For you, well I wouldn't get anything smaller than a 250 two stroke. I would either get a 250, 300, 380 two stroke, or a 400, 426...
  7. dbrutherford

    The Double Back Flip

    Yeah I forgot about Ross on stunt junkies. And Pete, sorry for missing you as well. But what we have is 5 people total known to have ever attempted a trick. Pretty exclusive company I might say...
  8. dbrutherford

    Is this required for the scupper to work?

    Yeah my stock siphon bilge worked pretty darn good until I swaped out nozzles. Then I noticed my ski filling up with water more and it running crappy. I got thinking back and the nozzle was the only thing I changed. Also on the later years X2's they had a larger siphon in them. My 1991...
  9. dbrutherford

    SB Billet / DASA Lamey v.s. WDK 1200 / GP Conversion

    How about comparing an EME 1105 since we are comparing things...
  10. dbrutherford

    Did you vote? (poll)

    Same here. It's a good reason to leave work a little early today :)
  11. dbrutherford

    Is this required for the scupper to work?

    I thought the half circle, "D tab" was for the auto circling effect of the ski when you fall off. I will comment though that when I switched over to a PJS nozzle on my all stock X2 last summer, the stock siphon bilge didn't work for crap anymore and my engine compartment would fill up a lot...
  12. dbrutherford

    Pics of old style Japanese lightweight hulls?

    Let me upload all my Japanese hull pics to the X Photo Albums. I will post back. Those pics are of the old Maekawa Engineeing hull. I beileve they quit making fiberglass parts and just focus on billet aluminum parts now. I remember reading that on their website a while back. There was...
  13. dbrutherford

    SB Products Billet SuperJet engine case

    WOW BRIAN! I am seriousluy impressed. All Kawie 650/750/800/900/1100's I have worked on had an o-ring front cover. A lot of times the oring would grow and give me grief trying to get it to fit into the groove. I usually just put them in the frerezer and silacone them into place. As far...
  14. dbrutherford

    EME SJ Dry Pipe Pics

    I wonder if you can use one of those adapter plates and then run this pipe on an SXR? Oh who am I kidding, we all know that X2 of mine will never get that 800 SXR engine installed in it... Right Scorn?
  15. dbrutherford

    The low down on the TBM Super pump cone for Superjets?!?!

    I will buy a new prop tool. Just didn't want to spend the money on shipping ONLY for a prop tool. I have a parts order to put in anyways, I will tack on a prop tool. Trust me I ma not hurtting for the $15 I got for the prop tool. The guy needed a prop tool asap and didn't want to wait on...
  16. dbrutherford

    The low down on the TBM Super pump cone for Superjets?!?!

    I did the same thing for another X & PWCT member. Needless to say I had to hound him about mailing it back to me. Eventually he just paid me for it. Now I have to order myself another one. The money was spent long ago and yet I still need a prop tool! I better order myself one next parts...
  17. dbrutherford

    The Double Back Flip

    So how many have ever attempted the double backy? Air Darren, Sucide Havel, and Gil are the only ones that come to my mind. Seriously huge air. He was still peaking when he was already rotated once around.
  18. dbrutherford

    The new FS-1

    The reason was cheaper manufacturing costs for Yamaha.
  19. dbrutherford

    What do you guys think aboutthis dirt bike deal?

    Yesterday was the perfect autum weather dirt bike riding wather! Instead I was driving two hours to sell off some stupid 1100 ZXi hull I had. But at least the couch hull is gone and $300 bucks in my pocket. I have someone interested in buying my 4-wheeler so maybe I will be out from under...
  20. dbrutherford

    What is the history of tubbie sponsons?

    Never seen those in person BK. I assume they have some shape to them then. Yeah a WW cone was a joke when I put one on my ski. It hurt it more than anything.
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