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  1. dbrutherford

    I started smoking again...

    Yeah I am with ya... At least you came back to the good old days and got another two stroke even if it is a alittle boys bike... Just messin with ya. I am leaning more towards a WR 450 so I can dual sport it. That same dealership I was at today had both a WR Dual Sport and Super Moto...
  2. dbrutherford

    I started smoking again...

    Well I just priced the exact same YZ250 two banger today and they wouldn't budge offof the MSRP, $6500. So in my opinion paying $9500 for a 500 conversion really isn't that bad. If you go to there are tons of posts on how to do the conversion yourself. But with the Service...
  3. dbrutherford

    I started smoking again...

    I want a Service Honda CR500 conversion bike bad! They put a CR500 engine in a CRF250 Aluminum frame. They work over the suspension and engine a little to make it the single best open class MX bike out there. Could you imaging a super moto version?
  4. dbrutherford

    Chain oil

    I wasalways a cheap @$$ and used a little old motor oil. But that will just all fling off and get over everything. But when I splurged, I used Maxima chain wax. Just make sure you always keep it lubed and adjusted. That will help keep the chain from wearing out the sprockets so fast...
  5. dbrutherford

    I started smoking again...

    I used to have a 98 YZ250. I loved that bike.. tear... I sold it and never got another after getting into skis. Just today I stopped by a dealership in the town I am working in. They had an 09 YZ250 that got that little voice in my head telling me to buy another bike. I don't race or MX...
  6. dbrutherford

    can 750 fit a 650sx

    Yep it will. I did this swap years ago for the first time with a 750 SS engine into my 1991 650 SX. It did run a lot better than the 650 I had but not the night and day difference I was expecting. By the way do you still want that stock 650 SX ride plate? PM me your address. I am guessing...
  7. dbrutherford

    Wish it were mine!

    Wait until you see my drawing before going and grinding out the ribs. I will try to throw a quick drawing together one evening in the next week.
  8. dbrutherford

    found this during disassembly

    I use Permatex Clear RTV Silacone. It has been the best by far that I have ever used to seal up pumps. Gasoline will dissolve it though. That makes old pump jobs easier to clean up. It needs a full day to sure. One time I used some cheap silacone crap from the plumbing store that claimed ot...
  9. dbrutherford

    Wish it were mine!

    I heard you guys liked the "White Power Ski." I rode that white RN more than once when I lived in huntsville. I wish I had that engine in one of my X2's. I am going to draw up a plate on AutoCAD the way I think it should be made. I think I can fix some of the problems you are having with...
  10. dbrutherford

    Rebuilding a Kawi pump

    I also like to pop the seals off of the bearings and pack them real good with a marine grease. You also need to grease the seals where they contact the shaft.
  11. dbrutherford

    Factory B Pipe- Wammer Mod/Port Match and Dual Cool

    I had Group K bore my manifold and head pipe. It was $90 shipped back to me. So add the shipping I spent to send it to them. Also add the drill/tap for dual cooling. Not worth $150 in my opinion but if I was buying new, I would just go ahead and get it. Makes it simplier and less time wasted!
  12. dbrutherford

    I think this was a good deal

    Well you seem to be not too far behind...
  13. dbrutherford

    Is this required for the scupper to work?

    I still think it is for the auto circling feature. What else would cause the ski to circle? Aftermarket nozzles like Pro Tech don't have the half circle.
  14. dbrutherford

    Trinity Composites Sj hull

    Doesn't he pay the bills? Might as well pay the Bobby Bill...
  15. dbrutherford

    Bound to happen eventually

    Maybe if the price is right. I need an ignition, FPP exhaust manifold, ect... So I might just wait to next winter to do that conversion. Then again after hearing how great your ski runs, I might just buy a lamey... haha Seriuosly though, I might be in the market. Especially if this tool...
  16. dbrutherford

    good forum for bikes? street conversion ideas?

    Main thing I found when looking to convert to a duals sport you need: - Head light w/ high/low beam (must work for liek 20 or 30 mins withthe engien off) - Brake light/tail light - Horn - Turn Signals - DOT approved tires - Speedo (Maybe, can't remember) - Spark arrestor exhaust (maybe...
  17. dbrutherford

    Crazy Lenzi

    I thought it looked like an EME too. I just wouldn't think Lenzi would ride an EME. I wasn't checking out Lenzi, but I did have a keen eye waiting for his gf to appear in the video. Sadly I was disappointed...
  18. dbrutherford

    300/440/550 550/750 conversion ?

    What kind of carbs are those? What kind of 750 did they come from? That will help you get in the right direction. SXR's used a throttle cable bracket like that. Can you not flip it around 180?
  19. dbrutherford

    Bound to happen eventually

    So the B1 getting a lamey too?
  20. dbrutherford

    Crazy Lenzi

    What kind of ski si that white and black ski? Is he making his own hulls still?
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