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  1. CarterB

    Memorial day riding

    tease! i know you got more :)
  2. CarterB

    Capsized 2013 ... Jetskiing from MN!

    Such a good vibe there! Amazing portrayal of how fun stand ups are especially with a good group of friends!! Really cool video :)
  3. CarterB

    ROCKER NOSE kits (New style)

    Also have new rocker kits for the seadoo HX if anyone wants to Frankenstein a seadoo :) first few I'll do real cheap
  4. CarterB

    ROCKER NOSE kits (New style)

    Yep. Great ski.
  5. CarterB

    ROCKER NOSE kits (New style)

    20% discount for the next week!
  6. CarterB

    Daytona 2014 GoPro Hero3

    Rage on!
  7. CarterB

    Super Jet (SN) My first build!! Going all out

    Post up some pics:)
  8. CarterB

    ROCKER NOSE kits (New style)

    bump for WARM weather finally!
  9. CarterB

    Super Jet Beau's RN (rocker kit)

    WOW! Just to make it clear that is a knock off of my NOSE KITs and mine do provide exact cutting templates and a thorough guide for install.
  10. CarterB

    dang-it compression and spark but not starting

    Check stator plate timing
  11. CarterB

    Rage composites Brawler gen 1

    never too excited about aftermarket hulls either for surf but i got a glass layup brawler and ive really enjoyed it so far. like they say it feels very superjet like in all the good ways but does have a lot more ability to rip hard turns or flip with stock power stock pump :) I think for surf...
  12. CarterB

    ROCKER NOSE kits (New style)

    Since it can reduce the headache of placing another order for materials and guessing the quantity needed i can supply you with all the materials for $200 extra (plus shipping per location) for blaster front and rear install. SJ nose kits would be $125 extra
  13. CarterB

    ROCKER NOSE kits (New style)

    Thanks man! So glad Luke is giving it so much attention! He wasnt really into Blasters before but looks to have taken a liking :)
  14. CarterB

    ROCKER NOSE kits (New style)

    Back in the States and at it again! Get your newly re-designed ROCKER NOSE kit to make a freestyle machine out of your stock WaveBlaster or SuperJet (RN and SN). I took lots of feedback from previous owners and test pilots to find out what needed to be changed and it has really made an...
  15. CarterB

    Blaster B1 tail chop Questions

    Both. ...maybe at the same time
  16. CarterB

    Blaster B1 tail chop Questions

    ill bring one bone stock with rear only mod just to show how insane it is to anyone who wants to demo it. also i will have a front and rear mod blaster with a pipe and prop on it to show it will flip :) Bring me some beer and come have a ride
  17. CarterB

    Blaster B1 tail chop Questions

    Pre order and pickup your kits at DaytonaFreeride for a 20% discount!!!!!!! Demo skis will be there
  18. CarterB

    Surfriding Daytona PreChristmas Ride -Sunday 12/22

    looks like i missed out on some good times! i was stuck in the Carolina's twiddling my thumbs and freezing
  19. CarterB

    Surfriding Shorty and rockered hx

    get r done so we can flip it
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