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  1. W


    Damn someone got a deal
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    LSP - Ready to Krash?

    I absolutely love supporting the ski industry, and anyone who’s messaged me or asked a question here knows that. But trying to support a cylinder and engine would be a full-time job on its own, and all it takes is one person to say, "Ahh, they’re crap," and then sales dry up. It’s frustrating...
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    LSP - Ready to Krash?

    The challenge with making high-performance parts is that sometimes someone will modify their engine, push it too far, and end up blowing it up. Instead of considering their own tuning skills or setup, they might be quick to blame the parts and label it as "cheap China crap," making a fuss on...
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    Maximizing Velocity in Two-Stroke Engine Intake Manifolds: Why Speed Beats Volume

    When you're working on optimizing a two-stroke engine, the intake system's design is one of the most critical aspects to get right. It might be tempting to think that maximizing the volume of air delivered to the engine is the way to go, but in reality, the speed—or velocity—of the air-fuel...
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    LSP - Ready to Krash?

    When we started Wax Racing Products, our goal was to manufacture everything here in Australia. We really tried to make it happen, but we quickly realized that the cost of just the raw materials here was almost as much as the entire finished product in China. We had to make a tough...
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    LSP - Ready to Krash?

    Finally, some common sense about China. Sure, you can buy cheap stuff from them if you like, but 6061 aluminum is an international standard. The funny thing is, at Wax Racing Products, we get approached by a lot of companies in China wanting us to switch from our current suppliers to them. They...
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    Oem and aftermarket. finally a great solution to not watering your engine

    The issue i have with the single ones is they pull off the top of the engine which still get splash on it from the head. not bad but not perfect. you can turn the single one but then the back one is pulling from the back of the ski
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    Carb Theory & Practice

    When the throttle's wide open and the engine is revving, the carbs aren’t too concerned with your pop-off pressure—it doesn’t really impact the mixture at higher RPMs. Mikuni even mentions that the smallest needle and seat (n/s) flows more fuel than the carb can actually use. Personally, I was...
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    Unlimited Fixed hood

    This is weird as all get out but as cool as fook . Love it
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    Carb Theory & Practice

    After years of testing different props, I've realized that prop pitch doesn't make a huge difference in top speed. A taller prop can help your ski hook up better in rough water, but it also puts more load on your engine. Don't worry about over-revving and blowing up your jet ski engine—these...
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    Carb Theory & Practice

    I do say its not a hard and fast rule, If i see something along way from those figures then I start looking for other issues. I mean if you run outerwears your jetting will be less as they restrict flow, If someone says to me I have a 130 low and a 130 high on my 44s and it runs well then I know...
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    Carb Theory & Practice

    I have noticed higher load means bigger pistons till you run out of overbores mainly caused by meltdowns. You need bigger jets in your ski with higher load due to the excessive heat generated by the load. It helps cool the engine and also means that the engine doesn't make the heat energy it...
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    Carb Theory & Practice

    Thank you. I edited it. It australia here and I had not had my first coffee lol
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    Carb Theory & Practice

    NO im running one of our pipes but this setup works well on other brands as well. That 115p and 105 high is way lean im surprised it even got on the plane. MY go to 44 carb setting is 130 low 110 high. 2.3 and a 95 gram Your total figure of jetting you put up before on your own ski was 145 in...
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    Carb Theory & Practice

    That's very close to what I would recommend as well. Of course im reverse jetted but still very close. I know how your boat would run with the jetting you have and it would run well
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    62T/62T with Stock Dual carbs but single Carb Pulse Line fitting on Engine Case? Engine Rebuild, should I add a second Pulse Line?

    I have run twin 48 novis of a single pulse with no issues. However i dont think its the right thing to do, I was in a bind and wanted them on for the weekend. They stayed on for about a year
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    Carb Theory & Practice

    There is a straight shot at the reeds. Every time you push air around a corner it loses velocity and momentum. In regard to carb size a 125 mx bike which is designed to pull down low compared to a ski runs a single 38 mikuni. This is a basic comparison of course but you get the idea we are...
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    Bilge wiring harness

    Thanks for the feedback. I have been riding superjets since 1993 and cant believe no one came up with this idea before. I was building my own ski and was hating the wiring from the battery and.. well here was my solution
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    Tachometer for SJ4

    I hope this is a short term hissy fit we all have some times. We want you to keep doing what you do, please keep it up and dont let it turn into facebook
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    Anyone Fit a Blaster Mod Chamber in a SJ?

    The sad thing is thats one of the lowest performing chambers out there. the only ones worse are the 650 superjet and the polaris octane
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