Well i ran 48 novis on a 550 sx and picked up a huge hit in the low speed. So i'm not the guy to answer this as I will always fit the biggest cars i can. As long as they are decent carbs with great signal
I do use the fuel to cool the chamber. the reason i do this is the chamber gets up to heat faster than it does if you use water. This means you get the low end of a wetter pipe and the top end of a drier a pipe. But as you say so many way to skin a cat
I only use the bottom screw. I close the other two off. if you use the top screw the power rolls over very fast in my experience with no advantage down low
The wax racing manifold has more water into the engine area than the other brand out there. Filling in the manifold was a race ski trick back in the day to get the temp into the exhaust. If you were going to get heat soak your going to get it on a race boat. I am aware of a certain few people...
It is widely recognized that the stock flame arrestor from Yamaha is the most effective for surf conditions. This is primarily because it draws air from the center of the engine bay. When the jet ski experiences rolling or twisting, centrifugal force pushes the water towards the outer edges of...
I alway say the low speed jet determines how much fuel and the pop off determines when. if you have a massive low speed jet you can up your pop off to make it run cleaner. you can also get a low speed jet to work sooner with a lower pop off. But in reality just set your pop off on a mikuni to...
In my experience you are never in that rpm where the slightly lower power peak may help you. A well set up 550 mod goes from 3000 to 7800 in .27 of a second measured. A superjet would be faster
What are you trying to do ? You are standing on a 6500 rpm slippery torque converter. If tuned right it wacks past any low end loss ( i dont believe its less ) that you may have. There were the choice off all the b-pipe chambers for racing before tnt came along
I put a drill through the two mounting holes on the mounts and oversize them. This is always enough to allow you to slide the mounts out to lower it that 1mm. At no point would i ever run sj mounts ever again. Heck i have wrecked enough sit-downs to have a lifetime supply
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