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  1. Lumberjack

    Thoughts on TDR waterbox in stock RN?

    I dont wanna be! The Factory pipe pisses enough people off as it
  2. Lumberjack

    Thoughts on TDR waterbox in stock RN?

    Friends has a TDR box he pulled off a piped ski that was too loud and was thinking of trying it on my RN. The ski is completely stock under the hood inculding exhaust and I thought it may be nice to hear a little bark and loose some weight with the TDR box My questions are, will I loose...
  3. Lumberjack

    Freestyle jetski

    Lots of nice Bob's as of recently on the superjet sxr fb page for the 6500 range
  4. Lumberjack

    Super Jet I need your SuperJet Advice!

    Buy the new one and ad mods if you feel you need them. You will always be happier with a newer cleaner unmodified reliable machine you can enjoy. For your needs the newer the better.
  5. Lumberjack

    Blowsion Hood Straps

    Superjet and rickter both under hood hooks. Make sure they dont interfere with primer or fuel selector before drilling your dash. Also I put clear 3M underneath to protect the paint. Couple holes is always better than a sunk ski or lost hood.
  6. Lumberjack

    What vest to buy?

    Any good deals on vests out there right now
  7. Lumberjack

    92 750SX Dry Storage

    Glue a waterproof box to the underside of your hood but I leave everything at home.
  8. Lumberjack

    Super Jet Project Dance-floor

    Looks rad!
  9. Lumberjack

    TomSki Front Foothold - And Split Design - RRP Front Foothold

    These are rad, any shots in a rickter tray? Not with my ski and I'm wondering how much gap there would be between the end of hold and side of Tray on my 2014 fs2. Thanks
  10. Lumberjack

    RICKTER talk

    Any front footholds that fit an FS2? Would prefer to turf and bolt in if possible so it doesnt cover E box screws. Or is everyone just running a strap up front. Post up. Thanks
  11. Lumberjack

    2013 Superjet Scupper Installation

    I would just run 2 high flow Bilges. Much easier insation and no risk of ruining your foam or hull with a bad install job. I'm about to seal up my rickter scupper because it's just sketchy and i dont trust it.
  12. Lumberjack

    How to setup jetlift tote and easiest way to launch and load

    Finally got my new jetlift totes in the water! Wondering if it's best to have the front bar and rear axle as far apart as possible so it's stable? What type of spacing in length makes them the easiest to use? Not talking about bunk spacing, talking about wheelbase length. Further apart the...
  13. Lumberjack

    Riva Superjet Upgrade Kit

    Piece it'll together, start with the pipe, it'll feel like a whole new ski. My stock motor backup SJ feels like a turd with stock exhaust
  14. Lumberjack

    Want to Buy Wanted: RN SJ pole bolt/washers/nut

    Looking for an undamaged RN pole bolt washers and nut shipped to Canada. PM me with a price PayPal ready Thanks
  15. Lumberjack

    Mountain bike riser bars?

    ATP risers are where it's at If you e got normal size steering clamps. Solid alum risers. Last bars you'll buy
  16. Lumberjack

    Want to Buy WANTED: medium jet pilot matrix pro neo vest

    Must ship to canada Message me with color and price shipped
  17. Lumberjack

    Surfriding Krash industries

    You either spend the money up front on a quality product or spend it down the road while you're trying to ride
  18. Lumberjack

    What's your view look like today?

    You think you're cold? Not exactly riding weather today...
  19. Lumberjack

    The Circus

    Dangggggg looks killer
  20. Lumberjack

    Best trim set up

    I wasnt saying anything bad about his systems. I was just comparing the thrust system out of the box compared to others that require work or maintenance. I've only tried rrp/thrust and trying to help with my personal experience.
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