I think 2 dedicated feeds to the exhaust mani makes sense for a ported motor with timing running hot. The routing one dedicated feed to the mani and one to the headpipe makes sense for most mild setups. I have done both and had good results. Curious to hear from others.
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Thanks, what sizes do you have? A 34 would likely work as well. Just realized I have a set of 36’s so I prefer 2 cc down.
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Which mounts are still available and do not require grinding to fit? I have only had reliability with OEM, but looking to save some money. Whatever brand I have pictured on the left it way lighter and softer then the OEM one (pictured right). All I know is my motor is shimmed correctly and these...
If it is for your personal ski, why not just go to Ace HW and pickup some SS roll pins, cross drill your adjust screws, and make T handles? I think I have some spare roll pins I can send you. I bought bulk and later realized they sold better ones at Ace.
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yup, I think I am going with the HD closed cell foam. I’m going to build a channel at the bottom of the chines with drains out the back so any water intrusion does not sit. Only thing I am wavering on is going wide tray or not.
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Thanks all for the feed back and tips. I think I will defoam and see if I can weight what I remove. Hopefully the new 2021 SJ has a better draining/sealing/floatation system. I think I only had 1/2 gallon drain out, so the rest is in the foam.
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Forgot to mentioned it smelled like a mold factory in there as well so my guess is I have a pretty substantial amount of wet foam.
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My seven-year-old son is just getting into riding standups and have an old 96 RN I am going to fix up. I’ve always known it’s been waterlogged but been too busy to bust in to the fiberglass and fix it. this forum has plenty of “how to’s” on the whole process so no issue there. My question is how...
Thanks! Yes, I emailed Art. He is a busy guy, and I figured we could add this to jetting library as I know I am not the only one running these with a stock motor.
Forgot to mention, I searched the superjet/blaster jetting thread and no specs for TT carbs. I will post there after I get the ski dialed.
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Anyone here have settings for a bpipe superjet(stock motor) with MSD enhancer and stock airbox? I am at 75P 125M and ~18lbs popoff. I need to check the NS, but it is likely a 1.8. I am trying to get a baseline starting point. I am at sea level. much appreciated.
I have always wondered if superjets need to have their tank pressurized to run correctly or the whole set up is to simply let air in to break the vacumn and let air in as fuel feeds the carb. If so, that SeaDoo set up really makes sense since you don’t end up with a “ballooned” tank on a hot...
Bump. I have the same setup. Works great. If it help you sale, I called Tom at Pro Designs and he will let you order domes through Blowsion. Orings are easy to get from McMaster carr
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what are you bpipe screws set at? What part of the pipe is hot? Your plumbing it fine assuming the rest of the motor is stock. You will need your bottom screw open more that you think when your running single cooling in warm water.
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