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    Custom/Hybrid Finally decided to open up the 97’

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    Custom/Hybrid Finally decided to open up the 97’

    progress Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Other Bilge pumps Home Made ish check valve

    I could be mistaken, but I thought they changed the design of the new Rule to have a built in check valve. If you look at the new ones the side outlet is different. “Our next generation of Rule pumps include check valves and to do this, we've created hidden air vent to prevent airlocking. Under...
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    Custom/Hybrid Finally decided to open up the 97’

    Here is some proof at how the factory did not seal the water lines well. This piece of sealant off with ease and you can see where they did not cover the entire diameter. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Want to Buy **FOUND** Superjet Tray Widening kit

    Cool, unicorn found. Thx for sharing. Wonder if they still have the splash for those. What did they. cost? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Want to Buy **FOUND** Superjet Tray Widening kit

    Even if it was made, you would still need to relocate the exhaust entrance hole so the deck would not need to be raised. doing mine now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Custom/Hybrid Finally decided to open up the 97’

    All good replies, thx. Yup found leaks in all those areas. I agree that drains are a good idea and have installed some. On the older skis the smc glue can start fail at the bond line for a number of reasons. So many places these skis can leak. I have decided tp lower the exhaust tube enough so I...
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    Custom/Hybrid Finally decided to open up the 97’

    more pics Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Custom/Hybrid Finally decided to open up the 97’

    more pics Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Custom/Hybrid Finally decided to open up the 97’

    Been procrastinating, but finally decided to open up 97’ rn to start the defoam and wide tray. No disappointments here, she was full of sand, water, and surprises. looks like water was coming in from the bond line, pump bolts, and exhaust pipe. Unfortunately there is enough water sitting...
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    Nose cones

    I have not seen the aluminum nose seals stand the test of time. They always seem to find a way to rattle off and bang around the shaft creating a mess. I stick with the rubber and glue them on with contact cement. I can’t see how running without one would be a good idea. Sent from my iPhone...
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    solas 14.7-18.5 is this too tall for a stock 92 snsj

    Solas “I” cut back and repitched by Art at Jetworks was the setup we ran on the pre 08’ bpipe limiteds. It ripped, but these limiteds had high compression ton of pipe work and custom water injection. I could see an “I” working on a mild SS SN. I think would try that before I reach for the “J”...
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    Super Jet Superjet RN Buoy Racing Setup Help

    I would also put the longer plate on the buoy chaser. The rear stuffer sponsons are not that necessary on a pre 08’. They like a nice long ride plate and destroyers. Possibly hull extensions and if money is no object mag pump time and porting! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Super Jet Superjet RN Buoy Racing Setup Help

    Yes, I have had both on a pre 08’. Destroyers are way better for any type of riding. I think he has a good setup to going, but I would get some destroyers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    R&D intake fit issue

    here it is. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    R&D intake fit issue

    back in the day R&D made an aluminum pump shoe that fit well with that grate. if you’re using it for racing it was pretty awesome, hung down super low and scooped a lot of water. I’ve also use that same grate with the stock super jet shoe and it worked fine as well until a log jump with flat...
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    How many people want a factory pipe !

    It is pretty telling that we are lining up to by a choked down 650 pipe for our superjets. Bpipes are great and all just with there was more drive to produce something in the last 2 decades of tech. I think there are some on this forum smart enough not to do it : ) Sent from my iPhone using...
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    Super Jet Another B pipe cooling question...

    I don’t think you will need to limit cooling at 50s water temp. There are a lot of ways to warm it up if needed, some more risky then others. If you want, you can run smaller pissers and that will slow the cycle of water through the head and pipe. I still don’t see you losing a lot of power at...
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    Super Jet Another B pipe cooling question...

    assuming your running the wammer mod with single line into the mani, I don’t think you need to do anything. I like the routing BK suggested which is pretty much the wammer mod with 2 water supplies going into the mani. I have not seen huge benefits in running a dedicated line to the bpipe and it...
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    not wanting to sell, but I will have my V1 there if you want to checkout. It is a passthrough to tow a trailer behind. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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