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  1. fastgtfairlane

    951 Swap X2

    That a snowmobile engine? Curious on the power output. It looks like it has a lot of transfer area based on how the front of the cylinder by the flywheel end is bulged out for more transfer volume. similar to how the tpe cylinders are built.
  2. fastgtfairlane

    help on engine options

    im sure paul will ship to you. he also knows the tnt pipes very well so he will also be a great source. in fact, i decided to have him do my engine work specifically because he knows the tnt center bleed pipes and even runs one on his personal boat. i had him modify the porting specifically for...
  3. fastgtfairlane

    help on engine options

    you cant really go wrong with any of the engine choices but please please please save your money and get some better carbs. the stock 38s work well on a mild 701 and will work on a big bore but youre leaving soo much power on the table with those carbs. yes you will have great bottom end and...
  4. fastgtfairlane

    Engine LPW 735 shredder SOLD

    very very nice performing engine! i have one in my superfreak and it definitely does not feel like a normal 701. Paul is super easy to work with and knows his stuff. Good luck with your sale.
  5. fastgtfairlane

    Back From the Dead - Yamaha FX-2

    Dang and to think I spent eternity taping my freak up for paint. Noooope! You got me haha. Excellent work!
  6. fastgtfairlane

    Super Jet Skat Trac Setback Pump

    +1 on @Sasquachcrap. He has a lathe and a spline cutter. He can take a sit down shaft, cut it to whatever length needed and cut fresh splines in it for you.
  7. fastgtfairlane

    Able 5mm stroker race motor

    That chamber looks to be shortened as well
  8. fastgtfairlane

    Need info on DASA 950 compression

    Most important thing is that they are both even psi.
  9. fastgtfairlane

    PJS Super Cylinder Reed Cages

    I believe they're 650 reeds.
  10. fastgtfairlane

    wth happened to hydroturf?

    I've never seen the cut turf hold up for more than a season or two. Wayyyyy too much work for that. I've only ever used molded turf. In fact I always used to get the b stock for basically half of the price and never noticed any difference between it and the regular stuff
  11. fastgtfairlane

    wth happened to hydroturf?

    Can't speak for the hydroturf itself buy the undermat I found a place called that has lots of choices for undermat. It's much cheaper and also comes in larger sheets the hydro turf brand.
  12. fastgtfairlane

    B-pipe Mod

    Those days won't ever be over. This one was just sold at what it's actual value is, not a heavily inflated one.
  13. fastgtfairlane


    What ride plate is on it now? Since you cut a few inches off the back it's not gonna track the same as it did before. When I had my -4, rockered superjet,I found that a stock plate cut flush to the back of the ski worked best for me. Also your pole looks a little long for the ski. When you...
  14. fastgtfairlane

    Here we go… again… another Freak re-build

    I tried to tell you but you no liiiiiston
  15. fastgtfairlane

    I did and currently have it installed now. It maybe made a slight difference. Hard to really...

    I did and currently have it installed now. It maybe made a slight difference. Hard to really tell. I think I need to do a back to back test on the lake to be able to really tell.
  16. fastgtfairlane

    Superfreak badass restoration-"make superfreaks great again"

    Got the chance to weigh the freak after a lake sesh. It had just over 3/4 tank of fuel and probably a gallon or 2 of water in the lower tray and in the turf. Total weight was 326 lbs.
  17. fastgtfairlane

    Pump Tuning Thread

    I think which hull is important as well. Pump: kavinci 148 5mm setback mag Impeller: skat 7/15 Nozzle diameter: 90mm Engine: LPW 735 62t Hull: 2012 superfreak badass -4.3 glass
  18. fastgtfairlane

    701 Piston Bomb

    It's always good practice to do a leak down test before you do any tear down on a blown engine. Once you break any seals from teardown, you won't be able to verify there were no leaks. Also recommended to do on any freshly assembled engine. You can remove the carbs and headpipe, and either use...
  19. fastgtfairlane

    Kv997 exhaust manifold

    The biggest concern for me is the distance of the crank between the cylinders. I'd be worried about it twisting up once you start making power. There is definitely some potential there to make good power with proper porting. A friend bought a brand new reaper last year with the 1200 fuel...
  20. fastgtfairlane

    Crispy critter RNSJ

    I put hydroturf under the waterbox on every ski I assemble for protection. I have a jet maniac waterbox and glued a piece of 1 inch thick undermat on the bottom to line it up with the pipe exit.
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