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  1. crammit442

    Jetworks valve carnage

    Not the ones used in the JW valves. The balls sold at MMC are similar, but not the same. The flash at the seams of the balls keeps them from sealing consistently and the durometer has to be exactly right. Too hard and the ball will not seal. Too soft and the ball will deform while at rest...
  2. crammit442

    VP Fuel Cans, Whats up with the vent location?

    FWIW, the square VP brand jugs hold over 5 gallons and have the same vent as the round jugs.
  3. crammit442

    ada head?

    I agree that some of the two and three piece heads have a theoretical advantage over the ADA, but in practice, it's rarely(if ever)a problem. The extra o-rings required for the 2/3 piece heads and the plentiful supply of good used domes for the ADA design make it the clear choice for me. I'd...
  4. crammit442

    Custom/Hybrid Suggestions on different fuels/timing

    That crank uses stock length rods. There are no more bores left(unless you can find 86.5 pistons)so don't stick a piston or you'll need new sleeves.
  5. crammit442

    Making a pipe chamber

    I only made one blue pipe. There is a red(mod I think)one, and I believe there are two clear carbon(black-1 ltd/1 mod)chambers. I'm not sure, but I think I made them in late 2005. There is also a FPP 650sx chamber and a couple of westcoast 650 tail cones floating around somewhere. From my...
  6. crammit442

    Liter motor dreaming...

    You do realize that WE can see your videos too???????:ugh2:
  7. crammit442

    mystery manifold

    Hang on to it, genius. That's an extractor manifold with the "banzai" mod. The banzai mod lets you run 61x v-force reeds reeds on a different reedblock and manifold. If you put that on your boat with a 13 degree prop on it, slam the head, and use the matching extractor exhaust it will...
  8. crammit442

    Other How do you CORRECTLY check compression?

    -The motor will spin faster with one plug in and the tester in the other hole. -Opening the throttle fully is correct. -crank until gauge stops rising. -manifold/pipe can make a couple of pounds difference. Having a high torque starter/dead battery/old cables can affect cranking speed which...
  9. crammit442

    300/440/550 Jetworks 550

    That's awesome! I'm sure it'll rip. The first motor he ever built for me was a race gas 650 motor that I ran in a 550 hull. I've got access to a 550sx that I'm planning to build with my nephew when he gets a couple of years older and Art will be doing the motor for it. Can't wait to hear how...
  10. crammit442

    Blackjack carbs

    What Art was saying is that anytime you're on the line between a bigger and smaller carb set, the smaller carbs will almost always be a bit easier tuning and more forgiving. Like Matt said, it takes a good bit of motor to NEED 46's or 48's.
  11. crammit442

    clipless pedals suck

    Indeed! Clipping in becomes second nature also. The added control of clipless is invaluable. I can see using frogs for severe knee issues, but they have had accidental release issues for many years. My brother has bad knees and uses speedplay on his road bike and REALLY likes the nearly...
  12. crammit442

    Boobers Blings Motosurf Invatational $1000 purse

    You will easily advance to ride with the pros and will win it all. There is NO ONE alive who rips like you do. Just pray for 20-30 footers and I KNOW you'll be rippin'!!!!!:notworthy:
  13. crammit442

    TC Getting Munched

    That's awesome! I think I'm gonna watch The Wave Hunters again tonight.:biggrin:
  14. crammit442

    Tis' the season for knock offs (observation/rant)

    What you make and sell is actually a copy of the original part I started making back in late 2005. "Your" part(knockoff) is made of brass rather than stainless, which is likelier to encourage galvanic corrosion. The biggest weakness of the part you make is the likelihood that the original...
  15. crammit442

    Piston Stop Tool

    You got me wondering last night so I went and looked at my OE manual. It actually says use a spanner tool for holding the flywheel. I couldn't find anything specifically on coupler removal. FWIW.:scratchchin:
  16. crammit442


    Really heavy wave. Nice! P.S. MadMatt would RIP it!!!!!!!!!
  17. crammit442

    SECOND batch of parts back...

    Did they say what temp they bake for the system they use? Looks good.
  18. crammit442

    A Small surf vid from Portland (Australia)

    VERY nice surf and riding. Nice helmet shots of the first flip.:notworthy:
  19. crammit442

    Rickter FS2 first ride

    Nonsense Sally, I'd rip wait, I wouldn't. MADMATT would!!!!
  20. crammit442

    best barrel of my life

    Nice! You might not have heard, but MADMATT would RIP it. P.S. For the record, I'm actually WAY impressed.
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