I got a shipping notice today from ballistic, last email contact was yesterday afternoon. If only the batteries was as good as the customer service.
After 2 weeks of radio silence I got a phone call from Jeff telling me my battery had shipped. It arrived yesterday and I got it in the bike.
Doesnt seem to be as powerful as the original 4cell I had ?
Anyways I pulled the old battery apart and found what caused the melting. The positive terminal is connected to the cells with a thin piece of copper and it broke, got tangled up with the 4 small ground wires that go to each cell for the load balancing and shorted out the battery.
First things I noticed (being a Mech Engineer) is that they have ROUND battery terminals molded into a plastic top. If you tighten them to much they twist and break off the connections... If they simply used square terminals that would get rid of all of their problems with terminals "stripping". I noticed a bunch of people saying that their batteries seemed to go dead while sitting on the shelf... I am wondering if the terminals broke lose when you were undoing them and caused it to go dead, heat from the battery operating would cause this to happen easier too... again the square terminals would resolve a lot of their issues.