Better than yours 550 freestyle build.


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
I knew where they were all along. In my aluminum and stainless scrap pile. You never said anything else about them.

Yes, I figured I need at least a solid coat of paint on this so I can show it off to companies for sponsorship.

Anyone have ideas on color? I always thought the red went sweet with the carbon bottom.... Plus it matches my car. But Ive been wanting to do some nasty Neon green/orange/pink theme for a while.... what should the base solid color be? Any detail will be done in vinyl.
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CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
On a side note...

Apparently the fastest way to remove paint on a 550 is a razor blade.

I just took the entire hood down to perfectly smooth bare SMC in under 30 minutes.... wow. It all just flaked off in large sheets. That made my night easier.


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
I'm almost convinced I either switched one of the two white or two black wires.... Mixed the stop switch with the stator line.


If you swapped the black wires it shouldn't matter. They should all be grounds. I bet its the white/red wire you mentioned before.


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
What does the white/red wire to the stator do? I'd imagine if I swap those to the CDI wrong it wouldnt even run....

Though I must say it runs horrible at idle, so maybe...


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
Oh hell yea. You guys arnt gonna know the difference between this thing and an FS-1.

LOL, it looks kickass. If only it wasnt raining so I could finish it up.


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
my ass in numb...i just got done reading this entire 24 page manifesto! Nice work. I go through spells of being on again and off again with the X. Keep up the good work Fox. Projects like these keep me interested.


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
Yea? I should plate the ski in aluminum, polish it, then run stacks out the nose? Thatd be hot.

Thanks pablo. I like to shake things up a bit.

Just finished adding the last few layers of glass to the inside of the nose. Off to return the damn $34 hole saw and pick up paint.


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the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
they have badass chrome polishable paint now, that will make it look like a mirror. :)

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CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
hrmmmm... Your right. That would be badass... now only to find a shop that would have one of those machines.

Totally neat how they just drench it in whatever fluids it is. You see it just drip off like they are just spraying water on it. I would like to investigate that process.


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
And in the all purpose booth! Something like 9" more forward and at least 5" (maybe more?) including the new pole bracket. Didn't actually measure yet.

And yes, I'm kinda pissed I got a paint run without realizing it. Thats what I get for spraying in my own shadow.






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Holy js550. Thats sweet. Your quite the innovator fox. What kinda pole are you gonna run? You wont even have to shorten it, lol. Dont worry bout the run, they come out easy. Ive gotten pretty good with cutting runs out, hehe. What kinda surprises are you going to put under the hood?


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
Holy js550. Thats sweet. Your quite the innovator fox. What kinda pole are you gonna run? You wont even have to shorten it, lol. Dont worry bout the run, they come out easy. Ive gotten pretty good with cutting runs out, hehe. What kinda surprises are you going to put under the hood?

Thanks guys. :barrel:

Check out post #440. page 22. Thats the pole I just finished. Mini RRP. I'm telling you when this is assembled tomorrow, its gonna look like an FS1

As for tricks under the hood... I think ive gotten about as tricky as I can get under the hood without another 3k invested... Literally... I have everything but a stroker crank now.
Well, I read back and you already answered my questions. I havent kept updated on your build, my apologies. I really dig the pole setup. It just isnt the same without some spraypaint though.


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
I really dig the pole setup. It just isnt the same without some spraypaint though.

? The end pieces are powdercoated and the center tubes are polished. :wiggle:

Guess youll see it better in a daylight picture tomorrow when paint is cured and I assemble.
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