Better than yours 550 freestyle build.


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
Went to daytona and came right back on home. The beach was angry at something for sure..

Hit the lake instead.

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CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
By the way, after replacing all the electronics with new components the ski is running better than ever. And I still think im running low compression (~150) I see some SeaDoo mounts in my future. Not sure how long these 550 ones will hold. The finished pole looks sweet and rides awesome.

Next up MSD enhancer and I figure since i'm using old mismatched OE pistons my piston clearence might be to large AND I need a hone. I'll just get a whole new top end at 83mm. I'll just have to find domes for that. But yea. I think between those two things the ski will RIP.


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
you should install a coupler cover. youre getting water sloshed EVERYWHERE w/o one.

i second this notion fox.

I see a lot of guys on this site run without one. Add open flame arrestors and then wonder why they have a carb tuning issue? hmm maybe water whipping up from the bilge.


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
Yes, I know I need a PTO coupler, Especially with my large diameter yami style couplers, and the fact that they sit as low to the bottom as a kawi coupler does, not high up like a yami hull.

This thing slings water 2 feet high if theres water in it with an open hull. But I am running a rule 800 now, and I have plastic covers that wrap around the rear 2/3rd of the air filters. Water actually does not get in.

But yes, I agree I do need a PTO cover, I'm still trying to figure out the best method for making one and where to bolt it. I dont have the stock yami bedplate mounts anymore....

Polish... Ill show you ghetto.... A punch in the face! this uses a 650pump with X2 steering. I'm going to throw in the long TBM cone in and see if building more pressure helps the pump on the bottom, I think I am having the same problems a 440 pump would have, not building enough pressure till high RPMs. And i'll be blue printing this pump major sometime this week.

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
But yes, I agree I do need a PTO cover, I'm still trying to figure out the best method for making one and where to bolt it.

just rubber under-coat half a coffee can and make a bracket to bolt it to coming from the top of the engine, and the electric box. :)



CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
Here's some more clear footage. Didn't really do anything, but you can hear how snappy and crisp the motor is.

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CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
Legit. Paint this thing and turf it.

Started the process today. Went out to test MSD enhancer, and got some carves that were so low the paint from the ENTIRE side of the hood peeled off in one piece exposing perfectly fresh bare SMC. Bam. Pre Prepped!

Sounds like people for miles could hear how crisp it is too!

Yeap... you shoulda heard it before I setup my "waterbox" that is using 2 full water lines in it. Undoubtably the loudest ski at daytona.

if u paint it, I will turf for you,
but u got to let me flip

Ooohh deal. But you gotta be ready to pay up for 4 replacement sea doo motor mounts too. LoL

I was practicing some flat water flips today off my own setup wake, but then the throttle cable came loose off the bracket.

PS. MSD enhancer REALLY woke up my bottom end. Very interesting to hear this boat scream along at 8500rpms instead of 6000. Bottom end has deffinately gained some punch, really brought everything together.

Only problem is for some reason the STOP circuit does not work at all. I have no idea why?


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
probably just a dirty connection at the ebox from the s/s switch black or white plug. I had this problem in daytona. I cleaned the connection and it was all good.

EDIT: just remembered you did weatherpacks... i would definitely check your connections.


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
I took the damn box apart 6 times trying to figure out why. I have no idea. I succesfully ruined my brand new Ebox seal too... only took 4 days.

I'm gonna pull the ski out of the lake and bring it on home later tonight, I'm gonna pull the pump and start working on really blue printing it, I'll also take another look at the Ebox then. I think I'm gonna start prepping for the nose cut and paint.

I think I may have gotten the wiring wrong somehow... there were 2 black wires and 2 white wires coming from the MSD and maybe i got them mixed up?
I dont know what would happen if you mixed up the white wire that goes to the stator(white w/ red stripe) with the white wire that goes to stop start....

Edit... yes I checked the weatherpack like 10 times over since that was the problem 2 days ago.

Also if you cant tell from the amount of smoke this thing is putting out... I have a feeling its a bit rich. LOL
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CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
Negative... Switch has always worked perfectly, and has not really been in salt lately. I'm almost convinced I either switched one of the two white or two black wires.... Mixed the stop switch with the stator line.

Fastest way to get paint off? Ideas? Faster than a dual orbiter with 40 grit...


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
heat gunned and razor bladed the 21 year old stickers... Tough :):):):).

Now do I start prepping for paint now, or do I start hacking up the nose first?
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