Better than yours 550 freestyle build.


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
But when I removed the ground it sparked.... it might be a ground problem but thats not the case here. Something is throwing off current when it should not.


chilling with these guys.
good old p'cola
the spark will not tell you how much resistance to ground your circuit holds. it should be less than 1 on the multi meter. place 1 lead on the head bolt or starter bolt and 1 on the negative battery terminal. if it is greater than 1 ohm of resistance you need a stronger grounding system .


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
Meh, well I'm gonna crack open the box tomorrow, as its to cold now. Just go over everything once again. It seems the box always works great when its open and as soon as I screw in all 14 screws and bolt the box in, something goes wrong.


perfecting the water walk
Winter Haven, FL
Finally read through the whole build/rebuild.....all I can say is awesome man! Was also gonna ask if you were gonna have it ready to ride by this weekend, but then I looked at the weather outlook....Although at least we don't live in MD!


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
I'm not saying you are wrong, you know me I'm always willing to accept new ideas/suggestions, but that I do not believe it to be the issue at hand. Something in the ebox is staying in a closed circuit, and really I find the only possibility of that being the starter solonoid.

Besides I already run 2 ground cables to the block.

Thanks Smoto. But you can bet your ass that if I get this running tomorrow I will be at the beach or lake this weekend.


Messy paint job, but nice pics! Sorry about the box issues…you’ll figure it out though.

I think a combo of black, white and silver graphics would make it bling (not too many though)...I can send you a few pics if you like. Silver in particular, to help carry the eye (blend) that color from the pole throughout. Give me a shout as soon as you're done with it (and before you launch it and mess it up).

...and you weren’t kidding about it being cold…I just woke up with the windows open…brrrr!
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CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
fitted the painted blaster fire ext. cover in the nose for the access hatch. looks great and blends in with the pole down. I love these things. and for those of you who dont realize how tight the engine bay is, The entire process of putting the motor in and out is made possible by having a nose access hatch.

Also powdercoated my bilge and pisser fittings a dark "chrome" which is actually just a shiney carbon color. Looks good.

Cracked the Ebox and found no obvious problems. To cold to undo all the stiff wiring though.


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
ill stuff that bracket up your nose.

Found my culprit. My fresh starter isnt so fresh anymore. The nose bearing cage skipped the journals and cranked it self tight. Had to hammer the core down to get it out. Sigh.... less money for turf now.


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
You aint kiddin. I didnt really measure the pole when I made it, but i measured it up agasint a stock 550 last night and its a good 8-9" more forward.

Ive always been one to bitch about short poles on round noses too.... But this actually felt natural when on the trailer. Just need a damn starter to see if I'm right.
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CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl

And I'm not even using a shortened steering plate...


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