Chp took my ski

Yes thank you guys! My email is
Any information will help me greatly. And before we started filming he already forced us to pop the hoods. As you can see we probably would have been arrested for just refusing a search. Legal or not this cop didn't care. Yeah I'm pissed at Yamaha for not having anything set in stone about the vins and locations of them. I'm already going to file a harassment form against the officer for him misinforming the judge about things he knew nothing about. I'm about to hire a official notary or whatever they are called and get some jet ski mechanics to write out all their experiences and say that my vin was legit and the officers actions were uncalled for
Yeah I'm pissed at Yamaha for not having anything set in stone about the vins and locations of them.

What OCD posted about the HIN info from the service info is helpful.

Also a call to Yamaha customer relation could help, they should be able to get you in contact with right person @ Yamaha who can provide you with the specific HIN info for your year and model, ie "location and how each is attached" on Yamaha letter head.

They may also inform you if any unpublished hidden serial numbers or HIN locations exist but may be reluctant to disclose the location to an individual, "non law enforcement"

If your hull does have HIN numbers that were removed and reinstalled during hull reinforcement and or a scupper installation then an invoice from the watercraft repair dealer doing the repairs stating "the HIN's were removed during repairs and reattached in their original locations after repairs" could help.

I have frequented that area and I have an aftermarket hull, the DMV assigned a HIN number to my hull but required me to make and attach the HIN plates. Iam a little taken back by what could happen to me if stopped. Maybe more official looking HIN plates attached with rivets in mostly normal locations coupled with refusing consent to search coupled with going back to using my ski cover which normally mostly covers the rear HIN area could help.

Maybe I'll just stay clear if Antioch and discovery bay. I was told those white or colored fuel jugs we all use for gas are cause to be pulled over in those areas now and ticketed. Not for use with fuel on highway or storage, my freind said the ticket is $2500

That'd be a bad day, get your aftermarket ski confiscated/crushed and a $2500 ticket :(
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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
So is it officially illegal to remove a hin plate and reinstall it? Its illegal to paint or modify a hull in an area involving a hin? Doesnt kawi reissue broken hin plates? This whole thread is asinine.
Get sbt to send you a quote on their practice with engines and serial #'s, etc. It should go a long way that a major refurbisher and parts manufacturer can validate that if the motor is replaced you would not have that sticker or it will no longer match the original.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
WOW that's insane. My square's secondary vin was a sticker that was pealing off in the engine bay...

My buddy has a x2 with a lost hin that filed paperwork for a replacement and now it's just a sticker on the hill above the stock hin. A sticker, issued by the dmv.


The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
My buddy has a x2 with a lost hin that filed paperwork for a replacement and now it's just a sticker on the hill above the stock hin. A sticker, issued by the dmv.
So easy for a sticker to come off of a ski too!!! So stupid. I ripped the sticker off when I reinforced my ski and didn't think anything of it. I don't know about other ski's but my primary vin is just a piece of plastic that could break... and I've seen them broken. So if mine breaks my ski is rendered useless and possibly stolen...? LOL


It's hard to speak without a tongue.
lake hogan
This ski may not have the inside him tags.. I used to own this ski the whole inside is reinforced with carbon. I cannot recall it having the internal hin. If it's on its behind the exhaust

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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
This is a picture of my sxr after it was totaled. If you get a magnified glass, you can see the HIN tag on the right rear bond rail broke in half and the part that says "KAW" is missing. It's illegal to remove of replace the HIN tag on a vessel, so it had to be crushed.

Shame, I liked that boat.

Hate to be the guy to say it.. But you're missing the plate that is required by law... If your outside plate isn't there you're in the wrong.. Even refusing to lift the hood in your case would have got you in the same place... The only real fight you have is find a law that states where a watercraft on a trailer requires HIN and registration numbers... Then prove to the judge that you weren't going to put it in the water(because that will be his next question).. Then try to convince him that you'll go through any hoops required to make it right before placing it back in the water.... I can't speak for every state but here if your boat don't have an exterior tag, you're in the wrong and the vessel is impoundable... Regardless of the interior tags...

Fight the fight or cut your losses, I feel either way you're going to lose... Innocent or not the odds are against you.. Sad deal, wish i could offer more help.. I'll gladly send a pic of my hin and the engine sticker he was trying to scratch off, as mine is fully intact and legible.. But sadly, I'm not sure it'll help much... I think you just learned an expensive lesson..

Sent from inside a beer can

King Kang

Never enough tray time...
Cary, NC
You won't be able to think your way out of this. Before spending your time taking photos of other skis, getting letters from the previous owner and the Ski Clinic, you need to talk to a Lawyer. What happened to you sucks, and I should know, because I was dragged off the water in handcuffs over a decade ago for allegedly violating water safety laws. I got a lawyer. As a last ditch effort, you should consider asking the cop to pull all the turf off your rails and keep your fingers crossed that he finds an appropriate HIN tag underneath there. I highly doubt it though, since it was probably ripped out so that your scupper could be installed. Here is where it should have been:


Here are two pics proving that the HIN should have been riveted in place in your engine bay.

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