DIY Total loss or MSD TL upgrade box 270USD?

Anyone had a nice backfire yet with a zeel? just finished building 2nd ski 760 started probably 10times on stand over a few days.. today started fine on stand, then on trailer... put in water and the second it hit the start boom... yeah, i'll be beating the waterox back and welding it up.. :( this is how my enhancer acted when it was going bad...
I am going to say it’s from the ski being started on a stand over and over. Had this happen to me. Was starting it over and over trying to figure out an issue. Ended up blowing up the long exhaust hose. When I tore it apart the pipe was soaked with fuel.
Awesome read. Wow

Didnt see answers to all my questions.

Can this be done on a gp800 based motor? Had anyone done it? Similar style flywheel as the 64x.
Does anyone know what type of timing curve it would need?

Also on the kawasaki 750- are you adjusting the static factory timing?


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
Yes you could do it on an gp800. The flywheel is pretty much identical. I know you can use a gp800 flywheel in a zeeltronic 760 setup. What i do not know is if the pick up is in the same place in regard to degrees before tdc in a gp800 but i would bet it is. I also dont know the wiring on a gp800 either to know if it would also work as a plug in. You could wire it up no problem at all however
Thanks wax! I appreciate all the info. I was talking with builder of my motor and he said ignition would really wake the motor up. Which he sells for $$$$$. Guess I need to ride the ski first to see how it is, but this will be in its future.

As for the kawi 750, a msd enhancer woke the ski up I can only imagine more timing down low...
Do you remove the magnets from the kawi flywheel as well?


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
Hell yeah it would wake it up.
Re the magnets. Only if you want to, it just makes it total loss when you do. Personally i like the charging system
I’ve got the first gen unit... does the shifty mod work for the kill switch? Or is there another way to have a latching switch?


SW Tenn
I'm way out of the loop. I don't know what a Fortnight is?

I think its a game the kids play these days. Something something floss dance....

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