Donations, Advertisements and General Site Expense Info

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I am sorry to see all this ! All these companies give back so much, and its hard to see all the Bull going on sometimes.... People in our sport need to learn some respect... I know what everyone looses cool and messes up. But there is still a bashing problem !

Darin, Admins.... Thank you for an awesome site, that the most important part of this site is to get US all together to enjoy what we love.... RIDING !

I am impressed with all the companies out there !
Crap, blowsions first Jump in on a East coast freeride was at the Rager.
Gave a good 500 worth of Product, from pump cones to Triggers !

I thank all of them for helping our sport grow !
Ok, that was my take ! See you in the water ! :biggthumpup:
I'm taking a break from the site.

is drama online is distracting to me, so I'll take a break.

BTW, if I need to grow thicker skin, so be it, but when I put so much effort into something only to see the choices we try to make ridiculed, torn apart, nit-picked, it gets to me after a while.

i got a couple layers you can borrow ;) you can finally get rid of that oversized dry suit ;)


So long and thanks for all the fish
Sorry to everyone I offended, and for taking things personal.

I hate the money side of this site. If I could, I'd just run it on one of my servers at work and we wouldn't have any banners or donations to worry about, but that wouldn't cut it because the site has grown to the point of needing more than a shared account so we had to bite the bullet for a dedicated server, which costs $$$.

I am a very conservative person when it comes to finances, and I like having a good cushion. If I had my way, we'd have a year of hosting paid for in advance plus $1000 in the account.

As far as my point of view for advertising, I'd like to do away with it if we can come up with some fundraisers that don't require me to spend hours and hours shipping stuff. I just don't have that kind of time available. My family comes first even before jetskiing, and my own jetskiing comes before x-h2o.

In case there are ANY questions about the money this site has taken in, it is all in the Paypal account or has been spent on site-related expenses (hosting, Chris Riley fruit flowers, software), that's it.

The Battery Store paid for a year up front, as did Lehr Performance, and the others typically pay for 3-4 months at a time so that's why you don't see monthly deposits from advertisers.

Our current balance after donations over the past 2 days plus paying for next month's hosting is $870.86

Thank you everyone that has contributed to keeping the site running.


Hooked on the Jamz
As far as my point of view for advertising, I'd like to do away with it if we can come up with some fundraisers that don't require me to spend hours and hours shipping stuff. I just don't have that kind of time available. My family comes first even before jetskiing, and my own jetskiing comes before x-h2o.

I forget why you won't use cafepress.
Requires zero energy from you Darin. I volunteer to upload and handle any graphics submitted by users willing to let the X make a buck off their ski related designs. You set the markup at 2 or 3 bux a shirt and you sit back and collect money, and/or buy your own products in bulk to sell at events. It's so simple it's scary.

and welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your break :biggrin:

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I forget why you won't use cafepress.
Requires zero energy from you Darin. I volunteer to upload and handle any graphics submitted by users willing to let the X make a buck off their ski related designs. You set the markup at 2 or 3 bux a shirt and you sit back and collect money, and/or buy your own products in bulk to sell at events. It's so simple it's scary.

and welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your break :biggrin:
Hey Kris, you may be onto something, I did not know how that worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup, That is exactly how I feel...........:pat: :pat: :pat: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

btw, im not sure what you deleted from pete..... but my midol fella was not directed at him.... just the whole mess that was. he just happened to be the last poster before my post. im curious:scared:

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Charlie, your post was directly after Pete's post, so I have know idea what your intentions were, so, before the chit could hit the fan I unplugged it...... You two do have a color past you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a good night...........


Nothing to do with Ninny's, just getting tired of B.S.
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Freelance Smartass
I just read this entire thread and would like to make these observations: . . . .

When the 3 partners set out on this venture they accepted the responsibility for all aspects of it's operation . . . including the related costs. there was no gaurantee that the site would ever pay for itself . . . . . especially since they chose to got the "non-profit" route.

That being said . . . do I feel that the partnership should shoulder the finacial burden and "quit complaining" . . . . . certainly not. I think you may have to rethink you operational strategy and dump the non-profit mode of operation. I respect the intent and admire the values and ethics involved in setting it up as non-profit site. It was a very admirable thing to do . . . it's just that it may not survive operating in that mode.

I do not know what the current numbers are, but I believe the site traffic should be sufficient to be attractive to potential advertisers. Will this mean more work for the site opeators ? . . . . most likely . . . . soliciting ads and creating ad copy can be very time consuming, this is a choice you will have to make in considering the financial future of the site.

I enjoy this site and think it is beneficial to the sport in general . . . I would like to see it move forward and I think it is time to structure it so that it pays for itself and compensates it's operators for at least some of the time they spend operating it.

In regard to Blowsion . . . . Blowsion has recently been bashed un-mercifully in several threads on this site, one in particular that has "energizer bunny" like tenacity. We all need to be careful how we speak our minds about vendors, irregardless of how poorly they have handled a matter. If we expect them to support the sites we frequent we may need to be a little more diplomatic. . . . . . Post your complaint and let it be . . . .

Final thought . . . . . You guys are doing a great job here !

I really enjoy this site and would miss it if it were gone . . . . . it just may be time to change course a little . . . . . . . JMO

I am making a personal PayPal donation today . . . . . .


Freelance Smartass
Here's a suggestion for generating income to help support the site . . . . .

One of the car sites I surf is selling site logo'd products through "Cafe Press" . . . . some of the procedes of these sales go to the site to help cover expenses . . . . .

It's pretty cool because you guy's wouldn't have to handle any of the merchandise . . . . you get a percentage just for sending business their way and they ship direct . . . .

Here's a link . . . showing some of the products they offer . . . .

Christmas is coming and I could sure use a X-H20 coffee mug and T-shirt !. . . . . one of those license plate frames would look sweet on my trailer . . . . . . and how awesome would it be to pay your bills with X-H20 stamps every month ! . . . .
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