First time MSD Total Loss Install & Setup

Your max retard is at the rev limit. It comes out at a linear rate between your start retard setting and your rev limit.

A base of 28, beginning retard at 5000, rev limit 9000, and a total retard of 15, would give a linear drop between 5000 and 9000. At 9000, it has pulled it's max retard of 15, so you would have 28 static-max retard 15=13 final degrees@9000. It would pull out 3.75 degrees per 1000 rpms
SW1 S2 (max retard +15) on or off?
Depends on your curve and how much you are pulling out. Off gives a range of 0-15 depending on switches. On gives 15-30 depending on switches.
30.....5000.....9000.......13/28......-5........+4000 off.........
+15 on or off !?
(DASA 1200, pump gas, PFP, 50 MM carbs, freestyle)
My friend uses "on", while I say "off".......!?
Off would be correct for the above settings. Just remember if the motor only sees 7000 or 7500 under a load then the timing will actually be 21.5 @7k and 19.3@7500. Cant count the number of times ive had to explain to someone about how the rev limit is linked to the overall retard curve. Example is if you set the rev limit to 8000 your actual timing will be 18.6@7k and 15.77@7500.So you see how even though you set the full retard to 13 it is still advanced at the 7000 and 7500.Not 13 at those rpms.
Off would be correct for the above settings. Just remember if the motor only sees 7000 or 7500 under a load then the timing will actually be 21.5 @7k and 19.3@7500. Cant count the number of times ive had to explain to someone about how the rev limit is linked to the overall retard curve. Example is if you set the rev limit to 8000 your actual timing will be 18.6@7k and 15.77@7500.So you see how even though you set the full retard to 13 it is still advanced at the 7000 and 7500.Not 13 at those rpms.
big thank you!


Seattle, WA
So before I left my lake house this weekend, I tried to turn over and start the engine on my build, and it wouldn't even give it a try. It was almost as if something was way off because I had fuel, air, and spark, making me think I might have messed the setup of the ignition. This is my setup below, can you guys weigh in on if my settings are messed up?

Static Advance: 31
Max Timing (-2) : 29
Max Speed Retard: 17
Rev Limit: 8250 RPM
Retard Begin Speed: 5000 RPM

I dont have the papers with me but double check the ignition OFF switch. I do believe this is off while you setup. Then should be swiched to ON for running.??


Seattle, WA
I thought it was the opposite, though the LED does continue to light up while I am turning it over, is it not supposed to? If so maybe I should flip Switch 3, S4 to ON?

The instructions in the manual themselves are conflicting and/or vague on more than one instance in the setup.
My LED still lights while running. I think that switch must be LED only or Spark and LED. Not LED or Spark.
You have your coils going to the right plugs? This isn't a wasted spark system like stock ignitions...


Seattle, WA
My LED still lights while running. I think that switch must be LED only or Spark and LED. Not LED or Spark.
You have your coils going to the right plugs? This isn't a wasted spark system like stock ignitions...

That was my other thought, as simple as it seems I might have just had the coils going to the wrong holes. Regardless of the magnet pick-ups, I should just be able to switch the spark plug cables to the opposite coil right? Not rewire the coils?


Seattle, WA
I've got the sparks. I'm starting to think I might have just had them opposite on the coils, there's no reason other than that, that it shouldn't work. I even dripped gas directly into the combustion chamber on both holes and it wouldnt take at all.
Yes, you can just swap the plug wires on either the plugs or coils. Or rewire the coils if your coil/wire arrangement won't reach the far plug if you had to switch one of the plug wires.
My bad, i didnt see where you said you had spark. Yes these guys are right,reverse the coil wires. Just make sure there is no raw fuel still inside the motor.


Seattle, WA
You know what else I did now that I recall. I had my battery attached in reverse in a completely stupid move for about 5 minutes last weekend. I hope that didn't fry the 2530 brain. I don't have it wired with fuses yet, and still had spark afterwards, but I'm surely hoping that's not part of this.

Anyone know if they have a reverse polarity protection/circuit integrated into them?
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