Hand guns


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I finally stumbled on happiness as far as my 44mag ammo goes. A friend of mine loaded me up some rounds using a blended Winchester 296 powder, Hornady 180g XTP bullets, that are still flying at 1650 fps at 100 yards, only drop 1.5" at 100 yards, and have only very slight to no recoil !!! I feel like I won the lottery!!!

Oh and the best part-about .60 per round total cost!!! WOOT WOOT

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I wasn't happy with the pick and pluck foam that came with my Pelican 1170 so I did some custom foam work yesterday.

Kit now holds 61 rounds ready to go. 3 -17 round double stack mags, and a 10 round for conceal carry.





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Seriously, Don't be a dick.
kawasakis suck
^^ nice. a friend and I actually went shooting yesterday. I have a Springfield XD40 and a few other rifles. He let me shoot his Beretta 9mm and GAWD DAMN that things like the cadillac of guns. I'ts not particularly my style, but it shoots fantastic. I could have shot it all day.


Arlington TX

They are amazing guns. My buddy loaned me his so my Mom could qualify for her CHL. She hadn't shot a pistol in ~20 years... She put 20 rounds through it the day before the class and disintegrated the bulls eye. Ended up with the highest score in her class. Now she carries a LCR...


Seriously, Don't be a dick.
kawasakis suck
Yeah. Just stainless accents instead of black. He just text me back and confirmed 92fs. It's just too nice for me.. Lol. I'm not easy on anything I own and that thing wouldn't ever get taken out of the box probably. I have a special edition Gibson les Paul and it stays in the case under my bed, I play my crappier guitars.


Seriously, Don't be a dick.
kawasakis suck
true, it could be worse. It could be the price of a Kimber 1911.... i got to look at one yesterday. .45 caliber. upgraded trigger, sights. some guy put hours into it polishing it. it was beautiful, and $1450.
I love my kimber.. You have to keep an eye out for someone wanting to buy another kimber and is selling their " old one." Lol. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1359916955.187818.jpg
Picked it up "used" from a friend. He bought it new and had it 5 months and 300 rounds trough it. He was wanting to get a cdp. So I got this kimber pro carry HD2 commander size 1911 for $800 wit a holster and two mags. I love it. Huge fan of single stack and single action firearms. It doesn't ride along wit me much though. It's usually replaced by a simple s&w 642 in the boot. Also have a sig p228 p239 and a few AR's. "when in doubt... Sig."
I am a Big fan of the 1911, I used to have a matched pair of Colts. I got rid of them because I felt I did'nt train with them enough to be able to safely and effectively deploy them,"cocked and locked" SA only needs to be praticed in my opinion. Switched to a matched pair of CZ P-01's in 2006. Beretta 92FS is a fine piece but the exposed barrel and therefore rails can be an issue as the boys working in the "sandbox" found out.


Arlington TX
I love my Kimber. I'll be selling it soon to get a nicer model.


I carry it pretty much every day. The finish is starting to wear a little but its still an outstanding firearm. As mentioned, there is no replacement for a single action trigger. I don't think I could carry a DA pistol again.


Seriously, Don't be a dick.
kawasakis suck
my dad actually has a kimber .22LR. they have now stopped making them, and i don't know why. that thing is beautiful. I havent shot a kimber pistol, but i enjoy the Fcuk out of my xd40. it feels great.
SA only 1911's are great shooters and feel so good in the hand. That being said, the design can lead to catastrophic faux pas without consistent practice,training,muscle memory, not just my opinion but take it for what it's worth. A DA/SA or DA only or even better a Para LDA are excellent alternatives for a more easily (insert safely)deployed 1911 style firearm that requires less stringent training to be effective. Just something to consider when dealing with a "cocked and locked" firearm.
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My Ruger revolvers do cost considerably more than Glocks, but my only concern for my Ruger revolvers is shooting whitetail deer. lol (well maybe the GP100 357 mag is not
much of a deer hunting gun but alot of fun to shoot).

Ive really been considering picking up a 3" GP100 when I get my tax returns. What size is yours and how do you like it?
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