Hand guns

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Back home in Canada we had 3 gravel pits to choose from and could get 1200+ within a few miles of the house. Not gonna happen in Georgia though. The entire state is privately owned and hunting clubs are big money to join.
Our local range has a 1000 yard range but im not honestly sure I could hit anything that far away. I know for sure im good at a hundred yards with iron sights and my ar but thats about as far as I ever get to shoot. Most of my hunting is within 30 to 50 yards so thats where I focus the most. I have a savage tactical thats been claimed accurate to 600 yards in its current configuration but I have yet to try it that far.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
There is a 4 year period of my life that I spent more hours hunting and shooting than most do in a lifetime.
We used to do annual hunts for mountain goats and sheep so we were dialed in between 450 and 650 yards with the 7mm and 338 Win Mag.
We also did a lot of coyote hunting between 250 and 400 yards with the 22-250 and 270's.

The real irony is that once we switched to bow hunting, we found it easier to get within 40 yards from these critters than we did to be able to snipe them from the longer distances. Way funner and cheaper too.
Dove and squirrel are all I really care to hunt anymore. I have a brand new sighted n crossbow in the garage I have yet to take out on a trip. Its amazing how close you can get to a deer with out them losing their cool and taking off on you.
I do too but am actually not liking the idea of having two identical guns chambered in different calibers just for the chance to mix up the mags and misfead one when it really counts. I either have to find a way to mark everything very clearly or maybe just sell off the 9mm version and make the switch over to 0.40 entirely.?.?.? I currently have over 5K rounds of 9mm and zero 0.40 though.

Either that or just keep the 92 around as a dedicated cheap range gun and stage the .40's for defensive.?.?.?

I know, white people problems right, lol.
In the CZ's the 9mm Luger will work in the .40 mags as a last resort. I agree that 2 sidearms chambered differently is a poor choice, but I also think having multiple different firearms and calibers is a poor "defensive" choice. Good for "collector" or "look what I got" though.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
In order to get closer, you observe more, the closer you get, the more you observe. There eventually comes a point where you get so close to these animals and observe them in different scenarios that shooting one of them becomes the farthest thing from your mind.
I thin k I would ditch the 40 and stay with 9mm. Its just how I do it. I only keep 9mm and 380 as my two stocking rds for pistols. I tbink 9mm is just as capable as 40 with the right grain bullet.


Buy a Superjet
There is a 4 year period of my life that I spent more hours hunting and shooting than most do in a lifetime.
We used to do annual hunts for mountain goats and sheep so we were dialed in between 450 and 650 yards with the 7mm and 338 Win Mag.
We also did a lot of coyote hunting between 250 and 400 yards with the 22-250 and 270's.

The real irony is that once we switched to bow hunting, we found it easier to get within 40 yards from these critters than we did to be able to snipe them from the longer distances. Way funner and cheaper too.

That sounds like fun! I have tried Coyote hunting a few times but there just aren't enough coyotes in the places I have access to hunt them. :(

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Just make sure you got your back covered. Nothing like staking out for a coyote and having a bear or cougar sniffing at your collar. There is no worse feeling than suddenly realizing that you are not near as high on the food chain as you once thought.
Around here im on top of the food chain! Dont have any serious predators around here to worry about. The worst I could think of was when we used to hunt yotes at night while laying on the ground trying to call them to us .I kinda always wondered what a pack of them could have done to a 12 year old me. Didnt have enough sense to put the dyi g rabbit call box out away from us. Oh to be young and fearless

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
We had Wolves as well but much like the Cougars, you very rarely saw them. We did not have any poisonous snakes though. I would stalk any and all of the above mentioned animals with nothing but a blade and a bow but I will not mess with a snake with anything less than a shotgun, lol.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I said blade and bow but really, what else could you pack for backup when bow hunting other than a good blade...or two? In Canada you can't carry a handgun for backup and there's no good way to carry a rifle, bow and a weeks worth of supplies up into the mountains.

We did all our big game bow hunting years before pepper spray came on the scene too but they made that poop illegal to carry in Canada anyways. I had a compact 30/30 saddle gun I carried across my back on local bear hunts but we packed light when we tackled the mountains.

We also couldn't hunt with dogs or tree stands so we stalked everything the old fashioned way...on foot.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Oh, I didn't take it that way at all anyways. I get the sentiment. It's the fear of the unknown. If you grow up in the city, the country is gonna look scary. Just like if you grow up in the country, the city looks scary. I would gladly choose a year in the bush with nothing but the basics over a single night on patrol with the dangers any level of law enforcement faces on a daily basis. Law enforcement in NY, Chicago, LA and such, those are some BMF's.


Buy a Superjet
Go hunt them with what they have and then I'll see it different. "Opinion"

With 22-250s and 270s? I was using a 458 Socom so was limited to about 100 yards.

That was my point, I suppose you missed it. Go get one using what they have. Go naked and armed with what you were born with and see whatcha get. I've always been super impressed with pleasure killing an animal using more than your bare hands. EDIT: .458 SoCom is a beast. Once again, just my opinion.
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