Other How do you insure your AM hull build

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
Anyone have experience with progressive? I just got a quote from the local agent for agreed upon value and it was over half the cost of wake zone with almost no exclusions. It does exclude racing or competitions though which is fine for me.
I had Formost at first and the agent said they had agreed upon value, then when the policy came it clearly stated NOT agreed apon value. The underwriters said said they no longer offer it but the agent was unaware. So I'am scepticle of progressive
Since the underwriters call the shots might be helpful to ask the agent to Check with underwriting on the agreed upon option before you buy.


Karma Enforcer
West Michigan
how does the insurance company define competition use only? isn't everything 2-stroke considered competition use only in calif? so if your using it in calif, you must be competing... is what i'd expect them to say. I recorded my conversation with my agent to make sure that I covered my bases if something should happen. Agents can talk a big game to sell a policy, but when time comes to pay a claim a bunch of loop holes pop up.

From the research I have done, wakezone seems very reputable and deals specifically with high value boats, where as average joe insurance is unaware they still make stand up jet skis let alone ones worth 27k.
I filled out the home built paper work and listed hull manufacture as the maker, the Watercraft Factory, Listed model as 2013 Vision. Once the DMV completed the registration process it no longer says home built if my memory is correct. It's lists make, model and year, I'd have to double check and see if it says home build anymore any where on title or registratin.

When I insured I asked if home build was ok and I think it might have came up in the application as well

Edit: I think I remeber the state issued HIN also made it a home built

Edit: I checked and title has a section "undocumented vessel" in the fine print imbedded in the title but has no typed words above or below it, so it's not very clear. Also SafeCo is the actual insurer, WakeZone is the agent, "agreed upon value" is different than what's normally offered, which is Actual cash value/Market value @ time of loss
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Went through Geico, they sub to Seaworthy, I'm paying $245/yr for full comp including recovery and any municipal fines/fees and $20k replacement cost. My Rokr is registered as a home built through CA DMV.

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