The engine got busted at Surf Slam. One of the rod big end bearings came apart and took out a sleeve.
I sent the top end and crank back to Art and had him rebuild the crank (Crankworks, actually)
Sucks, the crank was the only really "used" part in the engine build last year.
It was sold to me as a freshly rebuilt OEM crank, but some doubts have been cast on that.
Anyhow, got a shiny new crank now, I know who rebuilt it, and it should be good.
Art put two new sleeves in it and "updated" the porting a little bit to account for two improvements to the setup.
1. More compression. I went to custom 34cc domes for about 195-200psi compression. I'll be running 3:2 Avgas/Premium in it.
2. ATP Total Loss. Got a great deal from Wattage on an almost new system a few months ago.
I got everything back last Friday and reassembled over the weekend. I installed the engine tonight and hope to be breaking it in this weekend.
I still need to verify timing on the ignition just to be sure (Art's so anal, he looks out for bonehead me :biggrin
I need to put the tank back in and button everything up. But, it cranks, and it sparks.
Pic of engine: