My -2" Trinity EVO XF build..Let the fun begin!!!!***WEIGHED***


Finally Flippin
girdle kit?

Didn't wanna mess with getting my case to cylinder studs out...long story but I'm pretty sure they will NEVER come out without lots of machine work.

Sick! I like that head better than my RD. Where did you get it?

what 'nube said DJ. I got it used a few months ago and polished it up a little and looks pretty good. I am still keeping my R&D for a spare though


Finally Flippin
I put my first scratch in it so to make myself feel better I weighed it...


I added a pound because I didn't have my finger throttle on yet!

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Finally Flippin
hey thanks guys! I'm fricken excited to ride.

Still alot I can do to lighten it more as well...lighter battery, get rid of that heavy UMI pole, carbon chin pad, etc! Plans for next winter though. Now I need to get things gonig so I can get this on the water in the next week or two!!!


This Is The Way
Staff member
When are you going to take it on the maiden voyage? All my parts are here and I am going to start assembling everything tonight...with some luck I will have a running ski next week.


This Is The Way
Staff member
I could have it ready to go in a week as well, where are you going to try yours out?

I will likely try it out up here (so I am close to home and my tools in case I needed to d*ck with something) Water temps are still in the 40*s though, I may stay off the liquid ice for a couple more weeks. I need to break my motor in too so the first couple itty bitty tanks of gas are probably going to be uneventfull.
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