Hey man,
I got a manifold and stock 38's modified by Team Scream. I will hook you up cheap if you decide to go to 62T cases. You would still need stock reed cages and some reeds.
You can probably find a cheap 61X case half much cheaper though. I guess here is how I would look at it. You mentioned doing a motor next year. Were you thinking going with big power and going with different cylinders? If so, just put this thing together with 61X cases and keep it around as a spare complete motor. If you were just thinking of doing some porting and keeping stock cylinders, you might just want to buy the 62T's now so you are ready. I would put the MSD enhancer lower down on my list than some of these things.
Definitely need new crank seals when putting it back together.
If you still have my number, you can give me a ring with timing questions and stuff. If you are doing an aftermarket flywheel you really need to check your timing with a light to be sure it's accurate. My Jetinetics flywheel was WAY off from where it should have been.
Aftermarket flywheels are great, but I would get porting work done before I spent the money on a flywheel.