Observations from Daytona

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Hmmm....not to put a damper on things, but since this posting, I've learned of many more thefts....mainly on the first floor - management thinks it was NOT from the event participants. I think perhaps we should all PM Nick with items which were taken...maybe he can forward to management to see if anything turns up?


(I'm not in the mood to be accused of spiking those too!)


Just plain me....
wtf.... someone made out good. i think we had like 5 missing cases, and some tools... wtf... You were missing cash ???? this crap really gets me hot !
unfortunately when there is a large group like that, there's going to be at least one person who has to be a douche; it's too bad that someone like that has to put the black mark on what was otherwise an awesome weekend

note to whomever it was, just remember karma IS a bitch


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Hmmm....not to put a damper on things, but since this posting, I've learned of many more thefts....mainly on the first floor - management thinks it was NOT from the event participants. I think perhaps we should all PM Nick with items which were taken...maybe he can forward to management to see if anything turns up?


(I'm not in the mood to be accused of spiking those too!)

Wow - that is not cool. We kept valuables in the safe, but there was still plenty of stuff out for people to steel. I guess it worked having a 100lb lion-hunting, muscle-bound Ridgeback with a scary-arse growl in the room....
Charlie "Sflsurfrider" is a cool, down to earth guy in person... It was nice to meet Steve "waterfreak" as well<----- Thanks for letting me use your tote....

Best weekend ever, sorry to here about those who had things taken from them :-{...... That shiet sucks, hard to believe anyone there would do such things.


havin fun
clearwater FL
huh and I thought I was being a little paranoid locking my stuff up with cables and stuff. next time check in with me and I will safeguard all the valuables.( beer) I prefer to think that no one in our group would stoop so low. must have been some local rif raf.


huh and I thought I was being a little paranoid locking my stuff up with cables and stuff. next time check in with me and I will safeguard all the valuables.( beer) I prefer to think that no one in our group would stoop so low. must have been some local rif raf.

I keep telling myself that it was some local, trash ! I really dont want to think that any of our Freeriders would do such a thing... I mean really we all know eachother !


lone wolf
wtf.... someone made out good. i think we had like 5 missing cases, and some tools... wtf... You were missing cash ???? this crap really gets me hot !

i didnt want to bring this up cause nothing can be done anyhow but the more i think about it the madder i get. someone went in our room between 1:00 and 4:00 on sunday(while everyone was watching the sickest trick and stuff) and took the cash out of my wifes purse,left her wallet open and everything
you can add 150$ to the list of things that went missing:angryfire: next year my room will stay closed:bs2:

Ya know man. I tried to spread the word but it was hard. Their was a scum bag casing the hotel. He asked to use our bathroom twice and he was not part of our freeride group. I could just sence it. He had on a backback, sunglasses, and a large round hat and he just looked really shady. Kelly noticed him too. She said he was not one of us at all! I let him use my bathroom and I watched him closely out of the corner of my eye. I wish I would have grabbed him and detained him now.

I should have went to Nick but their was so much going on and this dude just came and went twice in 2 days. Plus I could be wrong but I really don't think so.
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i didnt want to bring this up cause nothing can be done anyhow but the more i think about it the madder i get. someone went in our room between 1:00 and 4:00 on sunday(while everyone was watching the sickest trick and stuff) and took the cash out of my wifes purse,left her wallet open and everything

Thats fuggin Bullshiet!:frown:
i didnt want to bring this up cause nothing can be done anyhow but the more i think about it the madder i get. someone went in our room between 1:00 and 4:00 on sunday(while everyone was watching the sickest trick and stuff) and took the cash out of my wifes purse,left her wallet open and everything




Анархия - мать порядка!
F-n sick motherf-rs... I hope someone finds out who did that and the scumbags get what they deserve.
I say we keep it on the DL and set him up next year. I could ID the guy I saw right now.

So could Kelly.

Next year we could set up a nice lil somthin for him.
thats total BS. MADMATS post does calm the nerves a bit though. It is atleast comforting knowing that it wasnt a fellow rider doing all this.
Come next year we all just needs to remember to lock up your stuff and watch eachothers backs.
I don't mean to freak anyone out, but whatever you do - check to make sure your ID or any receipts/identifying information is not missing....even if it's not, I'd seriously place a fraud alert on your credit record.

I've been dealing with Identity Theft now for about 7 years and just when you think it's cleared up, it rears it's ugly head. The cops won't do squat about it and you'd be amazed at what a person can do with just a few key peices of info. It's cost me literally thousands to try to contain.
That was my problem when this all started 7 years ago...I made the mistake of carrying the SS...and they got an old license and several credit cards =/
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