Super Jet Oh :-):-):-):-) Another SN build

i'm no where near done, while defoaming a i remembered an incident where my bro ran into me out at the river. i had it repaired at a shop but you can see the crack on the inside, so i have to repair that, repair some holes in the bulkhead
reinforce my cut back on the rear, reinforce the pump cavity and foot holds, repair some cracks in the tray. then foam and glass back in.

not to mention the nose is still a mystery as to final design. but now i have some garage space to do some work after the sun goes down. woohoo.

done for the day though.
most of it out yesterday, may get it all out today.

mix of fishing knife, razor blade scraper, and pry bar. working fairly good thus far. digging the foam out from around the scupper tube is the hardest part. limited work space.

Next time, if there is a next time, use a wire brush on a drill. You will be done in 1-2 hours. It makes removal around the plumbing a breeze too. I wish I had known about that before I was half way done! Lol looking good though!
I have heard that, but feared the mess. felt that the prybar knife and razor blade would be more manageable. I ended up removing the pluming but still had the drain tube in place which was a pain to remove foam around, but got it done.

there's a little more to go on it, then clean it up and prep for glass work.
photo3.JPG drain side cut back, need to ensure solid seal and glass the tube in, as well as reinforce the cut back.
photo2.JPG exhaust side cut back, need to reinforce and finish up.
photo1.JPG if you look close at the lower hull side at the bond line area, there is a crack that runs nearly the entire length of the tray. This was a result of my brother running into me some years back. I had it repaired from the outside, but now that i'm in the tray i'll clean it up and glass it over.
photo.JPG overall tray, just a pile of crap in the corner. almost done

I play to put a layer or 2 around the pump cavity, i see a small visual crack on the left (port) side of the pump on the inside of the tray. so for added security i'll lay some glass down. I also plan to fill the bond line and reinforce the hull here in the tray as well, again need to reinforce the cut backs done to the rear. lots of things happening, could be a fun week.
No progress last night, got a call from Art so i had to run up and pick up the other ski, and didn't get home til near 1a.m.

tonight i hope to get some work done. let us hope it's substantial.
alright some basic updates here.
photo3.JPGreinforcing the crack along the side. love the drips! don't care much, i'll sand them off when i reinfoce the hull
photo.JPGdrain side, left some excess that needs to be trimmed
photo1.JPGExhuast side. left an area of 1708 dry as theres nothing behind it, didn't want it to sag down. now that the edges have cured, i've wet the middl.e
photo2.JPGyou can see some of the glass on the sides and bottom from reinforcing the cut back.

more to come. I plan on making more progress tonight.
ok so i know it's been slow coming on this build and i apologize. life gets in the way.

so i've removed the foam and since filled the ride side tray bondline with 5200 waiting for that to cure (7 days) I've got about as much glass as i wantt o put on the inside of the cut back for reinforcement purposes. will do a layer of 1708 biax. on the outside of the tray (bondline)

I need to clean up the exhaust side exterior still and sand everything nice and pretty like. then it's to the nose i think.

still need to reinforce the footholds into the tray. sanding/grinding glassing. all in good fun i suppose.

one thing is for sure, she will be rock solid when i'm done. i'll try to get some pictures up later. but headed to the river tonight so it may be slow coming.
Ok so no pictures sorry
but i got the exhuast side hull reinforced. hoping to flip the ski and work on the left (port) side of the tray area.

will also try to clean up the tray area that i extreacted so that i can reinforce the foot holds.

stuff is happening just slowly. will redrill and re-run the trim line tube then i can start to put the tray back together. shoot may even look at getting foam this weekend!

need to order some 2-part also, mainly for the nose but want to do a mix of poly-styrene and 2-part urethane foam in the tray.
nice build, I want to see some pictures of the foaming and install of the tray.(im going to be doing a refoam this winter and still not sure how to refoam and get the tray back in correclty)
I'll be sure to take pics of the refoam. Going to try doing something I haven't seen yet, being a hybrid polystyrene/polyurethane.

Getting the tray back should be pretty straight forward. You'll want to bevel the seam of where you cut the tray out so that when you glass it in, you don't have a high spot.

Update, flipped the ski over today and filled the bond line with 5200. Letting that set up a bit before reinforcing. Also took a grinder to the tray to reinforce the footholds, got one with glass on it. Need more 5200 to do the other side. Should get some of that this weekend.
Be carefull of how you mix the two, i filled most of my tray with polystyrene then poured the foam in all the cracks crevises and empty spaces and it lifted some of the poly up above the "glassing" line just a heads up. This is after i had sanded the poly down flush with the rest of the foam but you can see what i mean.

excuse the poor sanding

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small update.
reinforced left (port) side of the hull,
waiting on drains to set them up, running a trim cable tube, seal it up and foam it in.

a see a dim glow at the end of the tunnel for the tray area. not quite a light yet.
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