Custom/Hybrid Shawn_NJ's XS865 RICKTER FS2 Build


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
Hose fixed, but just need some locktite for the carb FA bolts. Also installed a coupler cover, which I was too lazy to put on when I originally assembled.


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
I worked 14hours yesterday and the whole time I was thinking how bad I wanted to ride! Had a family BBQ this afternoon, so I decided to sneak a quick ride in this morning. Drove to the launch, got ski unloaded, mixed up my gas, fueled ski up, pushed beachcart over the water edge. All ready to ride! Push the start button....fires up then instantly DIES after about a second. wtf? Crank for 5secs, it will not start. I immediately know something is wrong because this ski always starts up first push with no priming or anything. Drag the ski back to the van, pull spark plug and try cranking. NO SPARK. WTF!!!! Load the ski back into the van and drive back home.

I am running OEM plug boots, so I had just switched to B8ES plugs from the original BR8ES plugs that I installed back in May. No joking 100 gallons I have the same plugs that burned the assembly Now crazy things start going though my head. Are the nonresistor plugs F'ing with the EPIC?? Did I fry out my coil? I did NOT open up the ebox to locate the EPIC programming lead when I had it out on Friday afternoon, so there is no way the EBOX got F'ed up. I check every wire on the start stop and stator for damage...nothing. I start cursing because the only step left is to open the EBOX up. I do that and start checking if all the connections look good, which they all do. EBOX is bone dry, zero signs of water in it. Running out of ideas and starting to imagine having to drop big $$$ on new OEM COILS a new EPIC or other expensive :):):):) panic starts to set in. Last ditch I open the fuse holder and find this....


This fuse is NOT blown, it just broken in half! WTF!! The fuse was mounted under the COIL and it could not bang around. ITS 2MONTHS OLD!! Swapped the fuse and instantly spark is restored. Ski fires right up. Drove back to the ramp and threw the ski in. Got a real fun 45min flat session in. Glad it was a cheap fix but that was a mind F. Good thing is that I put the fuse holer in the fuse port so it can be checked without opening ebox. I also put the EPIC programming lead in the same spot so I can switch to the aggressive curve sometime soon.
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at peace
FYI: I tried running non-resistor plugs with OEM boots and my Flame TL. No dice, needs resistor plugs.


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
FYI: I tried running non-resistor plugs with OEM boots and my Flame TL. No dice, needs resistor plugs.

Thank you Matt, I was wondering if someone had already blazed that trail. I ment to order a case of B8ES's but accidently ordered BR8ES-Solids, so I have PLENTY of those in my stock. I bought 2 individual B8ES from AdvanceAuto to try, but switched back to BR8ES today because I knew they would work. What happened when you ran the non resistors?

By the way, I dont know if it was installing new plugs or installing the coupler cover. But the ski is running MUCH MUCH meaner then it was last week!
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Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
It missed everywhere.
I think your missing coupler cover cost you power.

Agreed. The rear carb FA was white foamy like it was drinking water mist.

Shawn,time for vacation................................:headbang:

YEP! I have one more week of work hell, then coasting till FLA. I cannot friggin wait to get this ski in the surf for a week strait. I dont even care if its flat!


NE Tenn
Agreed. The rear carb FA was white foamy like it was drinking water mist.

YEP! I have one more week of work hell, then coasting till FLA. I cannot friggin wait to get this ski in the surf for a week strait. I dont even care if its flat!

l'm feelin the same way on the surf.l went to wavedayz this year,but screwed myself the first day by getting water in my engine cause of pure stupidity on my part(and thanks to Lucas for pointing out my problem!) Then sunday,l basically just flopped around like someone that was just learning to ride a new ski! SO this trip should go much better.


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
I had my first real HIGH speed WOT getoff, limbs flailing, ragdoll skipping across water. Swim back to the top seeing stars with the ski +50' away, mega wreck on Sunday. I rode real slow jumping wake for a few hours after that.

But as long as the Rickter has a $1700 mag pump that I cannot afford to replace.... it will not be going in ANY shallow creek Thats what I have my beater RN for. All the creeks by my house are fairly wide and passable even @ low tide, so not as worried about sucking something up.

Daytona surf trip is 9days away!!! Man I need a vacation.
Sweet F'in ski man. I have to try and rip with you guys in brigantine atleast one time this year. I usually wait untill late summer/fall when nobody's on the south jetti. Latest I've been out down there was november lol. How was the engine right out of the box tuning wise, did it take alot of time to dial it in? I didn't see if you mentioned that but may have missed it...


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Largo, Fl
if you follow XScream recommendations, they drop right in... mine (same motor) did not require any adjustments.


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
Sweet F'in ski man. I have to try and rip with you guys in brigantine atleast one time this year. I usually wait untill late summer/fall when nobody's on the south jetti. Latest I've been out down there was november lol. How was the engine right out of the box tuning wise, did it take alot of time to dial it in? I didn't see if you mentioned that but may have missed it...

No joking around both my XS771 and the SS865 motors I did not touch the carb screws from how they sent them to me. Just bolted them on and both RIPPED out of the box, exactly as sent by XS. That said in the hands of the right tuner, I think the 865 still has a very slight room for improvement. So when I go down to FL I am stopping my XS and having Pat tune it in perfectly. But dont get me wrong it Fing rips, I just suspect more power can be made. I dont run primers on either ski and both start instantly everytime, idle perfect, and pull hard.

XS is far from cheap, but if you follow there recommendation exactly you will have a great running reliable monster ski. I have been riding since 1996 with a few years off in between. The past 2 years since I got on good reliable setups, I have ridden more then all the other years combined. And only took a wrench out for 2 stupid things in the past 2 years.

Let me know when you want to go to Brig. I plan on doing alot of Sept and Oct riding down there. Parkway traffic is just such a drag in the height of the season.
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